“I will delight in your decrees and not forget your word.”
—Psalm 119:16
Traditionally we close our eyes when we pray, and that’s a good thing. It takes other things out of our view and helps us focus. But it’s also okay to pray with our eyes open. In fact, we can pray basically anywhere and in any position.
We can pray publicly or privately, verbally or silently, and with our eyes closed or open. We can pray anywhere.
The Bible tells us, “Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere” (Ephesians 6:18 NLT).
We read in the Bible that Daniel prayed in a lions’ den, David prayed in a field, and Peter prayed both on the water and under the water.
Then there was Jonah, who prayed from the gut of a sea monster—and God heard his prayer. Interestingly, Jonah, wrapped in seaweed, prayed the Word of God eight times. He concluded by saying, “Those who worship false gods turn their backs on all God’s mercies. But I will offer sacrifices to you with songs of praise, and I will fulfill all my vows. For my salvation comes from the Lord alone” (Jonah 2:8–9 NLT).
Jonah quoted Scripture, and specifically he quoted from Psalms. I think it’s a really good idea to quote the Bible when we pray. Is this because God needs to hear His own Word?
No, but you do and I do.
For example, let’s say that you have a financial need. Instead of praying, “Lord, provide for me financially,” you could say, “Father, you promised in Scripture that you would supply all of my needs according to your riches and glory in Christ Jesus. So because of that promise, I pray this.”
Jonah’s prayer demonstrated that he had God’s Word in his heart. He had memorized Scripture, and that’s a very good thing to do.