After a school board in Tennessee told teachers and coaches they could no longer lead students in prayer, ( a decision that came as a result of a letter from the group Americans United for Separation of Church and State) members of the football team and their parents took matters into their own hands.
: The school board’s action sparked a faith-filled response from students and their parents after Upperman High School’s game against Stone Memorial.
One father, Dustin Whitefield, told WZTV-TV that, “After the game, players and cheerleaders choose to be on the field praying on their own. A group of parents went out on the field to support them. We joined hands and encircled them from a distance as a sign of protection and solidarity. This was a parent led event!”
Bob Vick, a graduate of a PCS school and a fan of the Upperman football team, posted a now-viral image of the demonstration.
“Satan’s power was defeated tonight, as the threat of legal action to forbid prayer after the game was overwhelmed by player lead prayer, supported by parents and fans in solidarity on Overall Field,” Vick wrote. “God bless the Baxter and Stone players for their faith and courage.”