
Another day, another chapter will be written

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Philippians 1:20 According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be
ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body,
whether it be by life, or by death. 21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

While he longed to be with Christ, Apostle Paul yearned to remain and help believers grow in Christ.
Growing in understanding of how God wants us to live and to become an example for Him is what
growing in Christ really means. To magnify Jesus while he was in the body is what Paul’s main goal
was. That should be our goal also.

I heard about a church member that told their pastor “We have some neighbors who believe a false
gospel,” “Do you have some literature I can give them?” The Pastor opened his Bible to 2
Corinthians 3:2, “Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men:”
He said, “The best literature in the world is no substitute for your own life. Let them see Christ in
your behavior and this will open up opportunities to share Christ’s Gospel with them.”

What a great illustration of what it means to be Christ like. The greatest weapon against the devil is a godly life
and a local church that practices the truth and that demonstrates what it believes is going to defeat the
enemy. The victory has been won by Christ. We just need to keep it on display.

Here is a little poem that has kind of stuck with me over the years. “You are writing a Gospel, a
chapter each day, By the deeds that you do and the words that you say. Men read what you
write, whether faithful or true: Just what is the Gospel According to you?” (Unknown writer)

I wrote Christian articles for a magazine for around 4 years based in Rising Sun Maryland called the
Christian Messenger several years ago. Matt Compton who was the editor said to me: “Ron, not
everyone is going to agree with what you write so don’t get discouraged if they don’t.”
I told Matt it’s not those people I answer to, it’s my Lord. We have a responsibly to the truth of God’s
word. To hold on to that truth and be an example of the truth. The world tests us to see if we are real.
The world wants to find out if we are what we say we are; Christ like. Christians as well as the lost
read what we write every day. Paul said in verse 20 of Philippians chapter one that he didn’t want to
be ashamed of his witness while in this life and he didn’t want to be ashamed when he came into the
presence of the Lord Jesus.

If we go through this life in every effort trying to please God in obedience and the truth of God’s
word where ever we are and how we treat others without selfishness and jealously. How we love
others and care for their feelings. How we cling to the gospel of Jesus Christ with truth, boldness and
are not ashamed. Then we have no reason to be ashamed when we stand before Him one day.
Love in Christ Jesus, Ronnie Miller www.themillersbiblestudy.com

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