
7 Reasons We are Near the End

3 Mins read

In a recent video on Daystar, Pastor Jimmy Evans gives seven reasons why he believes we’re at the very end of time.

1. The rise in blood moons and eclipses may relate to Scripture’s signs of the sun, moon, and stars darkening before the end.

“Jesus said there’ll be signs in the sun, moon and stars. There have been signs since 1949 in the sun, moon and stars,” Evans says. “And God says, ‘In those days and at that same time, when I bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem, that’s 1948, I’m going to enter into judgment with the nations in the valley of Jehoshaphat, that’s Armageddon.”

2. An increase in ungodliness and wickedness in our world.

Evans points out that we will see more ungodliness around us as the very end starts to come, and Christians will feel the grief of these pains.

“Have you felt that you were just sickened by the things that you’re seeing or that your soul was vexed?” Evans asks. “We’re now living in the world of the Antichrist where you see this ungodliness.”

Evans points to the hatred of Jesus the world is showing in Hollywood, on college campuses and even from what we saw at the Olympics as a sign of the mounting antichrist spirit in our world today.

“You see constant filth, constant ungodliness and the desire to destroy anything that resembles the Word of God or biblical morality. And so, there’s a vexation that happens within our soul.”

3. The red heifer sacrifice and the rebuilding of the Third Temple are becoming closer to reality.

“Israel has to rebuild the temple because the Antichrist goes into a rebuilt temple in Israel on the Temple Mount, this is 2 Thessalonians 2, it says the Antichrist sits in the temple of God declaring that he is God, so there has to be a rebuilt temple,” Evans says.

Evans points to the fact that it’s been 2,000 years since a red heifer has been slaughtered for the purification ritual. Now, there are five red heifers that were flown to Israel, two of which meet the requirements to be the red heifer sacrifice.

“They’re of age and they’re ready to be sacrificed, and so the Temple Institute in Jerusalem is ready to rebuild the temple,” Evans says, “They have everything they need…for them to rebuild, they have to sacrifice the red heifer.”

4. The advancement of technology has exploded.

Evans points to the prophetic words by Daniel and the apostle John as written in the Book of Revelation for how we see the world’s connectivity prophetically coming to pass.

“For the first time in human history, the entire world can watch the same thing at the same time on their smartphones and the entire earth can gloat over the two witnesses when they’re killed. Another issue here is the Antichrist. He has to have centralized control over the economies of the world…that requires a cashless economy,” says Evans.

5. The preparation of the Gog-Magog war is beginning.

“In 1948 when Israel became a nation did you realize Russia was one of the first nations to recognize Israel?” Evans says. “The Gog-Magog war comes from Ezekiel 38-39. It’s a prophesied war between Russia, Iran, Turkey, Libya, the Sudan and it says many nations.”

Evans points out that Turkey was the first Muslim nation to recognize Israel as a country, with Iran following afterward. However, as time has gone on, these relationships have grown cold and bitter.

“All these nations now are furious at Israel. They’re all aligned.”

6. There is mounting pressure for a two-state solution in Israel.

“For years the Biden-Harris administration pressured Israel to divide the land and enter into a two-state solution,” Evans says.

Through the years, two-state solutions have been proposed with Israel agreeing, until Oct. 7. He also points to Zechariah 12 and the Palestinian desire to see the Jewish people ended.

“They want a one-state solution from the river to the sea,” Evans says. “They want to destroy the Jewish people from that nation.”

7. Worldwide antisemitism is at an all-time high.

“Oct. 7 opened a satanic portal that whatever antisemitism existed before then, which was bad, it’s off the the charts today,” says Evans.

Evans looks back at Jesus’ words from Matthew 24 where He explained to the disciples the signs that would foretell of His return.

“You see this hatred of the Jewish people in many nations, in the Middle East…it’s an existential war.”

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