
Evidence of the Bible’s Authenticity

4 Mins read

When we discuss evidence for the credibility of the Bible, we often turn to external proofs of historical reliability and accuracy. This includes textual evidence, archaeology, or non-Christian sources that confirm the events of Scripture as historical events. Considering these areas are important and can be helpful when we talk to those who are skeptical of the accuracy of the Bible.

Yet, external evidence is not the only way to show the authenticity of God’s Word. Within the Bible, there are numerous passages that confirm its reliability and truthfulness. Scholars and theologians refer to this as internal evidence. Since the Bible is inerrant and inspired, we should not be surprised at these internal proofs. God is the author of Scripture and is always consistent and true – characteristics that can also be used to describe His Word.

Our faith is strengthened because of these internal proofs. We also become better equipped to defend the truth of the gospel and lovingly share it with others.

1. Fulfillment of Prophecy
Entire books have been written documenting how the Bible has predicted events that were later fulfilled. Although people often deny the inspiration of Scripture, the fulfillment of prophecy demonstrates its authenticity as the Word of God. We should expect this, though, since God is the source of all prophecy. What He promises, He always fulfills.

With this in mind, a single article could not contain all the fulfilled prophecies of the Bible. A few examples are enough to show the authenticity of Scripture:

Israel’s exile- The Northern and Southern kingdoms of Israel were exiled after they turned away from God and disobeyed the Law. The Lord sent prophets, such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel, to these kingdoms to warn Israel. They desired to turn the people away from their destructive path. However, the people did not listen. Israel went into exile as God had foretold (see 2 Kings 17:6-20; 24:1-4).

Years later, Daniel read the writings of Jeremiah the prophet and learned that their exile to Babylon would last seventy years (Daniel 9:2; compare to Jeremiah 25:11-15 and 29:10). After those years passed, the Lord brought His people back to their homeland as promised. The book of Ezra, for example, shows the people returning to Israel as fulfillment of Jeremiah’s words (Ezra 1:1-6).

The virgin birth of Jesus- Isaiah prophesied that a virgin would give birth to a son who would be called Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14). Hundreds of years later, the words of this prophet were fulfilled when the virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus (Matthew 1:20-23). The newly born Jesus was aptly called Immanuel, because He is literally “God with us” as the incarnate Son of God.

Numerous other prophecies surround the birth of Christ, including being born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:1-12) and the promise of the coming of a king in the line of David (2 Samuel 7:16; Luke 1:33).

Christ’s sacrificial death and resurrection- Another chapter in the book of Isaiah contained a prophecy that was fulfilled by Jesus. He is the Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53, who was pierced for our transgressions and who bore our sins (Isaiah 53:4-5). The Apostle Peter specifically ascribed Isaiah’s prophecy to Jesus (1 Peter 2:24).

In addition to Isaiah, Psalm 22 predicted Christ’s suffering on the cross (Mark 15:34). Another psalm also spoke of His resurrection (see Psalm 16:10 and Acts 2:24-32).

During His earthly ministry, Christ prophesied His death and resurrection multiple times (Matthew 16:21-23; 17:22-23; 20:17-19; Mark 8:31-32; 9:30-32; 10:32-34; Luke 9:21-22, 43-45; 18:31-34). Though the disciples did not fully understand these predictions, everything happened just as He said. He fulfilled the Scriptures by dying for our sins and rising to life (Luke 24:44-47).

The destruction of the second temple- Jesus told the disciples that the temple would be destroyed (Luke 21:5-6). In 70 AD, this occurred during the Siege of Jerusalem at the hands of the Roman army under general Titus.

Of course, this is only a selection. Jesus alone fulfilled hundreds of prophecies at His coming, as well as images and festivals of the Old Testament. Many more predictions await fulfillment. Like the other prophecies, we can trust that these will happen as God has promised.

(2) Eyewitness Reports and Careful Research
Another area that shows that the Bible is authentic is that it was written by people who had firsthand experiences with the events recorded. For example, multiple New Testament books refer to eyewitnesses of Jesus’ earthly ministry, death, and resurrection. John wrote that he had seen Jesus in the flesh. Like the other disciples, he had seen, heard, and touched the living Lord (1 John 1:1-3).

Similarly, in his letter to the Corinthians, Paul described how many people who were still alive at the time of writing had seen the resurrected Christ. This was not only the Apostles and the half-brother of the Lord, but also more than five hundred other people (see 1 Corinthians 15:3-8). If any reader of the epistle had any doubt, they could have easily spoken to one of these eyewitnesses and received assurance that Jesus had, indeed, risen from the dead. Thus, the accounts that detail Jesus’ sacrificial death and resurrection are firmly rooted in eyewitness reports.

The writers of the New Testament were not compiling rumors. Most of the books were written by the Apostles, or people who were close associates with them. One example of the latter is Luke, who carefully conducted research to validate events and history. At the beginning of his account of Jesus’ life and ministry, he affirmed that he had “carefully investigated everything from the beginning” (Luke 1:3). He also stated that his account was firmly established in eyewitness reports by those who had been with Jesus (Luke 1:1-2). The book of Acts was similarly written in this way, as a continuation of the Gospel of Luke (Acts 1:1).

We can trust Scripture because it accurately records what happened, as supported by the firsthand reports from those involved and the careful research of the writers.

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