The year 2024 has been a historic and prophetic year that seemed to fly by in the blink of an eye. No corner of culture was spared the unprecedented wave of events that marked the past year, and massive change has come to not just America, but to the world.
God is moving, and we are seeing the evidence of this all around us. From college campus revivals breaking out to the historic reelection of Donald Trump as president of the United States, here is a brief breakdown of major events that took place in 2024.
1. Donald Trump wins the 2024 presidential election in a landslide. Donald Trump’s win is the biggest political comeback in modern history. As the country has become less moral and lurched toward socialism in recent decades, millions of Americans (including most Bible-believing Christians) have had enough. We prayed that God would change the downward direction by giving us a leader who would change the course. God answered with a decisive win for Trump, whose life God spared—twice—for such a time as this.
There is a spiritual aspect to this election that most in the media ignore. They focus on issues they think swung the election—the economy, the border crisis and foreign policies. But they ignore the fact that millions of us consider abortion murder; that we refuse to allow the ever-growing list of perversions to be crammed down our throats; and that we just resent the ungodly trend toward more government that manifests itself in so many ways.
Trump’s election is a fulfillment of prophecy documented in Stephen E. Strang’s book “God and Donald Trump.” Ten years before Trump announced his first candidacy, Kim Clement and others said God was going to raise up someone who would not be a praying man when he went into the White House, but would become a man of prayer. In other words, as imperfect as Trump may be by evangelical standards of behavior, God would use him for His purposes.
There’s so much that must be done. At least now, we have a reprieve. And we know that in the same way God spared Trump’s life on July 13, God has spared America on Nov. 5. But our work is just beginning. It’s more than making America great again. We must work and believe that America can be godly again.
2. The return of the red heifer and end-times implications. The Bible story of the red heifer is found in the Old Testament in Numbers 19. The red heifer is a ritual element in the Jewish tradition’s purification process. God instructed Moses and Aaron to raise a red heifer, unique in that it was required to be completely red and without blemish.
Five flawless red heifers have arrived in Israel. They were originally spotted in Texas and were flown all the way from the USA.
Having a pure, red heifer of age is an indicator for Christians that these days are fast approaching. Evil is permeating the world just like in the days of Noah, perhaps even more so with how wickedness seems to manifest every week across every sphere from entertainment media to government to academia.
No, we do not believe, as the Jews do, in the purification through the blood of the red heifer. We believe in the purification through the blood of the Lamb. But these things must come to pass before the return of Jesus Christ.
3.The Fall of Damascus. The collapse of the Syrian government in December of 2024 and the end of Bashar al-Assad’s regime is not only a geopolitical turning point but a moment of profound prophetic significance. For believers who examine global events through the lens of Scripture, the situation in Syria—and particularly in Damascus—demands our attention.
Damascus, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world, occupies a central role in biblical prophecy. Isaiah 17:1 declares, “The burden against Damascus: ‘Behold, Damascus will cease from being a city, and it will be a ruinous heap.’” This prophecy remains unfulfilled for the time being, but the unraveling of Syria’s stability suggests the fulfillment may be imminent.
According to Ezekiel 38, Israel will stand as a safe and prosperous nation before an invasion from the north led by the Gog-Magog coalition. This scenario reveals Damascus’ downfall as a key piece in the prophetic puzzle.
The relationship between the United States and Israel plays a critical role in shaping the fulfillment of these end-times scenarios.
For Israel to finally be safe and to prosper, they not only need a victory in their present wars against Hamas and Hezbollah, but need a friendly US administration to expand the peace circle and stand strong against the axis of evil. This certainly seems to be the direction we are heading.
The stark contrast between the Trump and Biden-Harris administrations is evident in their respective stances toward Israel. President-elect Donald Trump was celebrated for his strong support of Israel, exemplified by the Abraham Accords and the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. His administration’s policies strengthened Israel’s regional alliances and security, aligning with the biblical vision of Israel’s prosperity.
The collapse of Damascus, the shifting political tides and the alignment of nations all point to the urgency of understanding biblical prophecy.
Looking Ahead to 2025
We are living in prophetic and accelerated times, and thank the Lord, He has granted America a period of reprieve. Now is the time for the church to step forward and fulfill the Great Commission, sharing the love and message of Jesus Christ with a world in need of hope and truth. Just as Christ showed us His love through sacrifice and compassion, the church must embody that same love in action and word, reaching out to the lost, the hurting and the overlooked. This calling is not just a duty but a profound privilege, empowering us, His church, to be His hands and feet, carrying the message of salvation to every nation, just as Jesus commanded.