Good News Journal

3 Reasons My Faith Will Not Allow Me to Vote for a Certain Political Party

I am neither a registered Republican nor a Democrat. I have no personal stake in the success of any political party. As a Christian and a minister of the gospel, my goal is to see the values of heaven adopted and lived out by as many people and institutions as possible. Only then can we hope to be a happy nation, for as George Washington declared in his first inaugural address,

“The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the external rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained.” (Hyatt, “Pilgrims and Patriots, 2nd Edition,” 174).

Neither political party completely expresses my values, but one party has turned so far away from the founding principles of this nation and the values I hold that I feel compelled to make the following statement. The following are three reasons my faith will not allow me to vote for a Democrat.

Reason No. 1: Their Disdain for Bible-Believing Christians
When the new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, described himself as a “Bible-believing Christian,” Democrats came unhinged. MSNBC host Jen Psaki called Johnson a “religious fundamentalist” and mocked his faith. The Daily Beast compared Johnson to the “Taliban and the mullahs in Iran.” Hakeem Jeffries, the minority leader in the House, ripped into Johnson, calling him an “extreme, right-wing idealogue.” Others referred to him as “dangerous” and a “threat to democracy.”

Not a single Democratic leader, including Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, has distanced themselves from these atrocious remarks by their colleagues. I must therefore assume that this is how they feel about the millions of Bible-believing Christians in America, including me.

We probably should not be surprised, for in 2019 the Democrat National Committee unanimously passed a resolution embracing the “religiously unaffiliated,” a euphemism for those committed to secularism and atheism. The resolution also declared that neither Christianity nor any religion is necessary for morality and patriotism.

This hostile attitude was expressed by Democrat Congressman Jerry Nadler toward a Republican colleague who read from the Bible during a debate on the House floor. Nadler, D-N.Y., who was serving as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee at the time, sternly rebuked Greg Steube, R-Fla., saying, “Mr. Steube, what any religious tradition describes as God’s will is no concern of this Congress.”

The resolution was backed by secularist groups like the Secular Coalition for America and the Freedom From Religion Foundation. These groups erroneously insist that America was founded as a secular nation and regularly threaten lawsuits against the public display of crosses, Ten Commandment displays and all other religious symbols. They also oppose prayer and Bible reading in the public schools, veterans cemeteries and all public venues

By demeaning Bible-believing Christians, the Democratic party has distanced itself from America’s founding generation and from millions of modern Bible-believing Christians. I cannot vote for such a party.

Reason No. 2: Their Flight From Reason and Common Sense
Our faith will often transcend reason, but it will never violate or do damage to reason. Our Creator is a rational being, and His creation can be understood by rigorous investigations based on reason and common sense. This is the thinking that gave birth to modern science. When, therefore, reason gives way to vibes and feelings, confusion and chaos are bound to ensue, which is exactly what has happened.

We have, for example, heard Democrats struggling to define a woman. They struggle because they have rejected reason and common sense, accepting the irrational idea that gender is a cultural and societal construct rather than a biological reality. Now guided by vibes and emotion, they will allow biological men to participate in women’s sports and are OK with men using women’s restrooms and locker rooms. Because they have rejected reason and common sense, they insist that men can have babies, and that a woman can become a father. Is this not confusion of the worst sort?

The Democratic Party is also for allowing children to choose their gender, in many cases without parental notification. They also defend irreversible sex-change surgeries for children that remove the breasts of young girls and the genitalia of young boys who are confused about their sexuality. They call it “gender-affirming care,” but it is irrational child abuse of the worst sort.

The worldview behind this is postmodernism. For the postmodernist, truth is not something to be discovered; it is something to be created. Postmodernism is, therefore, very “I” or ego-centered. I create my own personal reality and everyone around me must adjust to accommodate my irrational choices. A male athlete decides to identify as a woman and compete in women’s sports, and he expects the women, the school and the world to bend and bow to his irrational choice without question. Is this this not egoism of the worst sort?

This way of thinking is a blatant violation of reason and common sense. It is in conflict with the natural order as created by God. Such thinking, based on vibes and feelings, can only lead to societal confusion, turmoil and chaos. I cannot vote for a party that has chosen to go down such a dark and dangerous path.

Reason No. 3: Their Contemptuous Attitude Toward Life in the Womb
Just a short distance from where I live, a young woman gave birth to a baby in the bathroom of an Applebee’s restaurant. She then threw the child in the garbage and left. According to a published report, the newborn’s lifeless body was found by employees who were cleaning the bathroom about 30 minutes after the mother left the restaurant.

How could someone be so callous and inhumane about a newborn life? I do not know her situation, but perhaps she had heard of the Democrats in the New York state legislature breaking into cheers after passing a bill that allowed a mother to abort her baby right up to the time of birth.

Perhaps she had also heard of former Governor Ralph Northam of Virginia promoting his pro-abortion bill and saying that if a baby survives an abortion, the infant will be made comfortable while the mother and her doctor decide if the newborn should live or die.

Not a single Democratic Party leader spoke against these death bills that devalue human life. Their attitude is tragic but understandable, for if you reject both the Bible and reason, then it is easy to see human beings as mere products of time and chance with no real inherent value. That thing in the womb is just a clump of cells and flesh to be discarded at the slightest whim or inconvenience.

On the other hand, those who hold a Christian worldview see the baby in the womb as a life from God—a real person. Erica, who was about to have an abortion, came to this realization in a stunning way. Having second thoughts about her abortion, she begged the nurse to let her see her baby. She wrote,

“As soon as I saw my child on the ultrasound, I knew I couldn’t do it. I saw the heart beating, and he moved his little hands (almost like a wave). I think God intervened and sent me a message that I was about to make the biggest mistake of my life.”

That the hand of our Creator is on our life from the moment of conception is vividly expressed in Psalm 139:13-16 (NIV), which reads, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. … Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”

Science has, indeed, confirmed that after 11 weeks in the womb, the baby has brainwaves and can kick. He or she also squints, swallows and sucks their thumb. They are sensitive to heat, light, noise, and all body systems are working.

After 20 weeks in the womb, babies are capable of experiencing pain, and that capability for pain increases with each passing day. Babies in the womb experience excruciating pain during an abortion. They will seek to avoid the abortionist tools and will emit a silent scream as their tiny bodies are ripped apart. I cannot vote for a party that has such a contemptuous view toward life.

In Summary
On Nov. 5, I will vote. I will not be voting according to party or personality. I will be voting according to principles and policies expressed by the candidates and their party platforms. As it now stands, my faith will not allow me to vote for a Democrat.

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