
Local Volunteer Firefighters Save the Day

3 Mins read

It was an ordinary work day, just delivering the latest edition of this publication to local businesses. I was excited to finish the day’s work and get home to pack for a trip to see my newest grand baby. But unfortunately I learned how quickly our plans can change. This would also be the day I learned just how important our Volunteer Fire and Rescue personnel truly are to our small communities.

For 29 years now, I have been blessed to travel 2 states and 7 counties working with newspaper/magazine advertising and have met some of the most wonderful people that God created. My path has crossed with folks that are excited about every day life and folks that have experienced the greatest loss imaginable. God, in His mercy, has kept His hand of Protection and Provision upon me and as I’ve driven nearly half a million miles, (6 vehicles), in rain, sleet, snow, bitter cold, extreme heat, hurricanes, and even one tornado. There’s also been beautiful sunrises and gorgeous sunsets when God paints the sky with His majesty, fully on display. And I have been blessed to have safety and no incidents, not even a speeding ticket, until……

As I left my last stop, I had a fall and thought I needed a couple stitches with the cut on my head. Not realizing the depth of the gash, but seeing the crazy amount of blood, was concerning. I yelled and yelled and finally got someone’s attention and asked for a towel. Wouldn’t you know there are only ‘air-dryers’ in businesses now days? So I requested they call 911. Within minutes the local Fire Dept/Rescue workers appeared. Working with these guys for many years, of course, they knew me. Fortunately, I witnessed their long hours of weekly trainings kick into action as the Chief held me and told me not to turn my head. It was a much longer wait for the ambulance. And, the local Police showed up, with extreme kindness, moving my car and bringing my personal items inside for me. Plus, offering me a ride back from the hospital to my car if needed. Woohoo, I’ve never ridden in a police car!!

Upon arrival at the ER, they did the normal protocol, and thankfully, knew to check my head/neck with a CT Scan. I needed 10 staples in my head….remember, I thought a couple of stitches. The test results showed my neck to be fractured and I would be in a neck brace for at least 12 weeks. I didn’t cry until the doctor said that I couldn’t drive. Your brain just isn’t equipped to hear that your neck is broken. And, I didn’t get the ride in the police car.

The following day the Neurosurgeon told my oldest son that “the angels were holding your Mom”. She explained that the C-Spine is the most critical for an injury because it houses the brain-stem, relating that just a millimeter over and the results could have left me paralyzed or dead.

Thru it all, I kept hearing “Be Still and Know that I AM God”. It was as if He was calling me to ‘Be Still and Listen’. Life is busy and we rush thru our schedules way too quickly. He is faithful, even in the darkest times.

Last week, I got to take pictures of the guys that help save my life. If they hadn’t spent hours training and getting their certifications, it could have been a very different experience/outcome. Thank You to Chief Kevin Macemore and the Arlington Fire Dept for all the time you spend away from your loved ones, missed family events, fun times, to care for those of us in need. Your skills are invaluable to your community. We owe you a huge debt of gratitude. I have always loved doing this issue when we salute you guys, but this year, it has a much greater meaning to me.

As we publish this Sept issue, I want to say THANK-YOU to all the Volunteer Firefighters in our area, even those who have stepped away, like Lanny Whitaker, who gave 45 years to the Fire Service (and just showed up and changed the battery in my fire alarm) and still serving with the Surry Sheriff Dept. If you see any of these guys out this month, please thank them for all they do. They are selfless. You never know when you’ll be the one they rescue.

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