
When 'black lives' don't matter

3 Mins read
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It looks like we’ve finally found an example of “systemic racism” that progressives find acceptable. And not merely acceptable, but one that doesn’t go far enough.

Before we get to that, recall how the left has purportedly found racial oppression lurking in the shadows of nearly every aspect of life. The cases they cite range from laughable to psychotic. Basic math, grammar, punctuality, private property, the word “obesity,” and a hard work ethic, for instance, have all been given the “R” treatment. As have Abraham Lincoln memorials, nonprofit financial disclosure forms, and even confusing sweet potatoes with yams (for real). Then there’s Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who pushed for a trillion-dollar government spending spree because racism was “physically built into some of our highways.”

The left racializes everything … except for abortion. It is on the issue of abortion that we find out — surprise, surprise — disparities don’t equal discrimination

Writing in the journal Health Services Research and Managerial Epidemiology, three scholars found that “Black women have been experiencing induced abortions at a rate nearly 4 times that of White women for at least 3 decades, and likely much longer.”

The abortion industry is killing off black Americans en masse, and there’s not a peep of concern coming from the folks who never miss an opportunity to chant “Black Lives Matter” in front of the cameras. To the contrary, progressives are now claiming that overturning Roe v. Wade would harm black American.

The legalized erasure of black Americans has not gone unnoticed by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. In a decision made by the Court in 2019, Thomas noted that, “there are areas of New York City in which black children are more likely to be aborted than they are to be born alive — and are up to eight times more likely to be aborted than white children in the same area.”

Could the Ku Klux Klan have devised a better policy than abortion to “impact the size and racial composition” of blacks in this nation

For all the screeching about how “white supremacy” is the “most lethal threat to our homeland today,” as Joe Biden declared, there is utter silence on the racist roots of Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the United States. Planned Parenthood was literally started by a documented eugenics enthusiast who dedicated her professional career to championing birth control as the “most constructive and necessary of the means to racial health.”

That person was Margaret Sanger, and her eugenics advocacy in the 20th century laid the “foundations for legalizing abortion,” noted Justice Thomas. Eugenics is a nasty ideology, grounded in Darwinian evolution, that explored political, scientific, and cultural ways of producing a superior human race by cleansing society of the “unfit.

That connection is Margaret Sanger, a person who Planned Parenthood, up until recently, celebrated by giving out their “highest honor,” the Margaret Sanger Award, to public figures and officials who showed “outstanding contributions to the reproductive health and rights movement.” Former Planned Parenthood presidents have also boasted publicly that they are “walking down the path” and in “the footsteps of Margaret Sanger

Sanger reportedly cribbed a line from fellow socialist W.E.B. DuBois to argue that her project was needed because blacks “still breed carelessly and disastrously.” She later urged enlisting black pastors to support this initiative, shrewdly understanding that “the minister is the man” who could rebuff any charges from “rebellious [church] members” that “we want to exterminate the Negro population.”

If this woman were around today, she’d be in prison yards across America holding recruiting drives for the Aryan Nation: Sign up here for a free tattoo if you want to express your hatred for every black and Jew!

It took many decades to manifest, but Sanger’s aim at limiting the growth of the black population was finally realized. Since Roe v. Wade, some 20 million black babies have been slaughtered in the womb and slaughtered at a faster pace than their white counterparts. This is the poisonous legacy of Margaret Sanger and her handmaiden of death, Planned Parenthood.

As Christians, we believe that executing the unborn is a heinous evil because we bear God’s very image. Life — the life God gives us — is in the blood, which is why God detests “hands that shed innocent blood,” as the Bible states in Proverbs 6:16-17. Moreover, we believe that we are one human race and therefore, unlike the eugenics crowd of Sanger’s day, reject the credo of racial hierarchies. The Apostle Paul makes this point clear in Acts 17:26: “From one man he made all the nations that they should inhabit the whole earth.”

Racism is a heinous evil because we are all descendants of that same “one man.” God is “no respecter of persons,” according to Acts 10:34, a fact fully embodied by Jesus Christ during His earthly ministry and through His sacrificial gift of salvation. He loves His children equally — regardless of skin color — and offers them all the opportunity to enter into a relationship with Him and to have eternal life.

Leave it to progressives to combine the two evils of racism and the killing of the unborn, and to dub it a “right,” no less. When it comes to their holy grail of abortion, black lives, truly, do not matter.

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