
The War on Lukewarm Christianity has Begun: Will You Fight?

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Nearly all Christians understand that evil is prevailing at an alarming rate, and that we may be on the verge of a massive recession and unparalleled civil unrest. But we aren’t called to run, but to rescue—we must lead in the battle, not leave the battle.

God often shakes the physical to get us to respond in the spiritual. Our nation is being shaken to her core. Do you see the calamity, decadence and perversion all around you? If so, then why are so many “Christians” stagnant, inactive and lifeless?

Why aren’t churches packed and adding more services to accommodate the hunger of God’s people? Why are we not setting significant time aside for prayer and fasting? Costco carts are full, but prayer closets are empty! The war on lukewarm Christianity must begin today.

How about you? Will you fuel the flames of revival or continue to quench them? We must prepare for the downpour of the Spirit.

It’s time to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted. We must cry out, “Oh God, would You rip heaven open and come down?” (Isa. 64). How do we know that He won’t turn and relent from judgment and leave behind a blessing for those who truly know Him (Joel 2:14).

America crossed a dangerous line years ago. Instead of repenting and turning back to God, we have walked further into the deep waters of ungodliness. The decadence and brutality in our streets are unparalleled in our history as despair overcomes our land. But, believe it or not, I am hopeful.

How can I be hopeful amid such darkness and depravity? Because God often revives His people at very dark moments in history. Before an awakening broke out in Wales in 1904, for example, one observer noted, “It is ever the darkest hour before the dawn. The decay of religious faith, the deadness of the churches, the atheism of the well-to-do, the brutality of the masses, all of these, when at their worst, herald the approach of the Revival.

Do you truly want God to rend the heavens and bring another national awakening? It will cost you: National revival begins with personal revival. The war on lukewarm Christianity has begun. We must repent and turn completely toward God beginning with prayer and fasting: We think that we are waiting on God, but often, He is waiting on us.

Gordon Cove once challenged readers: “You have not sought the Lord with ‘your whole heart’ until you have tried a protracted season of prayer and fasting.” Could a lack of prayer, fasting and repentance be one of the hindrances to a spiritual awakening? Absolutely! Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Fasting doesn’t twist God’s arm, but it does bend my knee. There is simply too much on the line—a massive spiritual awakening is our only hope.

With that said, I’m embarking on a prayer and fasting journey. “We cannot organize revival, but we can set our sails to catch the wind from heaven when God chooses to blow upon His people once again” (G. Campbell Morgan).

It’s time to break up our fallow ground and seek the Lord while He still may be found (Hosea 10:12). We provide the sacrifice; He provides the fire.

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