
5 Ways to Talk about Easter with Your Kids

3 Mins read
stairs in sky

Easter is a special time of year. Often occurring in the spring, it brings to mind budding trees and cheerful birdsong. Hope and fresh starts fill the air. As the earth wakes up from the dreary days of winter, we have an excellent opportunity to discuss with our kids the new life Jesus brings. In order to explain the importance of Easter to our kids, I think we need to answer five basic questions.

1. Why Did Jesus Come?
To find this answer, we must start at the beginning. When God created the world, He made everything good. There was no evil, pain, or death. God made a beautiful garden full of everything Adam and Eve could need. But an evil serpent whispered lies, and when people believed those lies, everything shattered. The perfect friendships between God, people, and the world were broken. But God spoke a promise: One day, a Son would come to crush evil forever.

2. Who Is Jesus?
Jesus is the Son promised by God who would end evil and restore all that is broken. The Jewish people called Him the Messiah—the King who would make all things right. But Jesus wasn’t the King that many people expected. He didn’t come to conquer and kill; instead, He came to rescue and bring peace. After living a life of perfect love, He became the sacrifice that brought people close to God and each other again. Then He came back to life to conquer death and make all things new.

3. Why Did Jesus Die?
When God made the world, death was not part of it; instead, everything was good. God gave His people a beautiful home with only one restriction: Don’t eat from the tree of knowing good and evil. God warned the man that if he ate from that tree, he would die. And that’s what happened, both to Adam and to every person since. Death involves separation. When we die, our body separates from our soul. Death separates us from friends and family. And Adam and Eve experienced the most painful separation immediately: Separation from God, who is Goodness and Life and Love. Death is an enemy, and the only way to defeat death was for the Author of Life to die then victoriously return to life. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice who would conquer sin and death, bringing people close to God and each other forever.

4. What Happened When Jesus Came Back to Life?
Ever since Adam and Eve, we have all chosen the pain and separation of sin and death. But Jesus died in our place, and now nothing can separate us from God’s love! When Jesus stepped out of that grave, He conquered evil and death. He defeated our enemies and brought us close to God and each other again. Since Jesus came back to life, we know that we, too, will have life with Him—this broken world is not the end. “For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive” (1 Cor.15:22). Jesus is the King who is making all things new! The resurrection shows His power to bring life out of death and beauty out of ashes. One day, all who believe will enjoy perfect friendships with God, each other, and creation once again.

5. How Does Jesus’ Life, Death, and Resurrection Affect My Life Today?
Jesus came to earth on a rescue mission. His life, death, and resurrection centered around rescue and reconciliation—He came to make all things new and good again. Jesus is the King who invites everyone who believes—everyone who realizes their need for Him—into His Kingdom of love. In His Kingdom, people enjoy peace and life and all that is good. He brings us close to God, each other, and all of creation. Being rescued by Jesus involves so much more than just going to heaven when we die. Jesus is working right now, right where you are, to make things right. He is working to bring us close and help us love. And He invites us to join Him on His mission of rescue and reconciliation. Through God’s Spirit, we become people who love and know we are loved. Each day, we take small steps toward true love and life, remembering the hope we have because of Jesus and sharing the life and love He gives with those around us.

This Easter, let’s look around us at the new life springing up from what was barren and dead, then remember the hope Jesus won for us all.

“Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more…” And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” – Revelation 21:3-5

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