
Glenn Youngkin’s victory exposes the wickedness of Big Tech czars

3 Mins read
stairs in sky

n a recent article, I may have spent too much time and energy excoriating Rachel Maddow and her minions Joy Reid and Nicolle Wallace. The ridicule of MSNBC’s Three Stooges distracted from my main takeaway from the election results in Virginia.

Big Tech — its social media apps, its algorithms, its artificial intelligence, its endless supply of dopamine, its Northern California values — is the real enemy of the people.

Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter’s Jack Dorsey pull the puppet strings of the Three Stooges and everyone else making a living in corporate media. America’s cultural collapse is a failure of men, a reflection of man’s moral decay and weakness. The derision I unleashed at the MSNBC hosts is best directed at Zuckerberg and Dorsey, the immoral and weak men profiting from and sanctioning the assault on truth.

Maddow, Reid, and Wallace do what Facebook and Twitter tell them to do — lie, divide, and conquer. Our lawmakers, both Democrat and Republican, do what Facebook and Twitter pay them to do — lie, divide, and conquer.

Big Tech is at the root of the division fracturing America. Big Tech is the BLM-LGBTQ-CRT Alphabet Mafia’s primary source of power. Big Tech is emasculating men, dismantling belief in nuclear families, promoting the matriarchy, and demonizing Judeo-Christian values and the culture of Western civilization.

Facebook, Twitter, and Google cast Donald Trump as Adolf Hitler and a Russian spy so that the American people would never see Zuckerberg and Dorsey as the publishers of Pravda for the Biden regime.

Voters in Virginia recoiled from the Big Lies being sold by the left and their collaborators in Silicon Valley. The election results, the victories by Glenn Youngkin and Winsome Sears in Virginia, were a victory for truth, justice, and the American way. But there will be no spoils for that victory if we do not properly identify the lessons taught and the actions necessary to capitalize on the momentum created.

Big Tech has turned America into Babylon. Its seduction of corporate media has eviscerated truth. The absence of truth creates an absence of morality and persistent chaos. There’s only one solution. Men must return to God.

Glenn Youngkin wore his faith publicly. So did Winsome Sears. God is the only one who can cut down the lies packaged and sold through the social media matrix. Youngkin’s wearing of his faith allowed Virginia voters to recognize the truth coming from his mouth.

This is the flaw of Trump. He speaks the truth. But he clutters and distracts from the truths he espouses with an ungodly tone and presentation. I suffer the exact same problem. I curse too much. I delight in ridiculing and embarrassing my adversaries. I like to brawl. I enjoy verbal skirmishes. I wrestle in the mud with pigs and then wonder why people see me as one, too.

Youngkin and Sears don’t have these problems. They fearlessly lead with love while standing firm on the principles taught in the Bible. Rational people can hear them. Women can hear them. Youngkin scored big with women voters. Women follow men who follow Jesus.

That’s the lesson from Virginia that corporate media won’t tell you.

Big Tech is leading an assault on the truth, which is an assault on God. The social media companies based in Northern California are imposing San Francisco values on America. As I explained in a previous column, San Francisco is a city that developed its culture during the California gold rush of the 1850s. Men left their families and descended on the Bay Area in search of gold and riches. At one point during the gold rush, San Francisco’s population was more than 90% men. Cross-dressing and homosexuality took root in Northern California during the gold rush. You do not have to take my word for it. Do your own research. The information and history are easy to find; much of it has been written by LGBTQ newspapers and outlets.

Northern California has been defined by greed and immorality for 170 years. The gold rush was corrupt. The people who made the most money were the business owners who best exploited the miners hunting gold. Nothing has really changed, other than the region’s ability to influence the rest of the country. Big Tech’s social media apps have allowed San Francisco to replace New York as America’s information and cultural hub.

The entire Alphabet Mafia is rooted in the Bay Area, the launch pad of the Marxist-driven Black Panther Party and the LGBTQ movement. Northern California is the most secular region in America.

Zuckerberg and Dorsey are its leaders. Facebook, Twitter, and Google reinforce the lies told by the corporate media outlets desperate for relevance on their platforms.

Men can have babies. Marriage is for everyone. America is irredeemably racist and evil. Police randomly kill black men. Black people who promote self-reliance are sellouts and uncle Toms. Public schools should teach kids about gender identity. Parental rights are white supremacy.

We need more politicians, whether Democrat or Republican, to wear their Christian faith publicly. It’s the only way to expose the lies and motivate voters. It’s the only way to save this country.

That’s the lesson we should learn from Glenn Youngkin and Virginia.

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