
Don’t Think it Can’t Happen Here

4 Mins read
stairs in sky

What makes someone cling to a jetliner while it ascends thousands of feet into the air, knowing the probability of death is near certain? No doubt, they weighed their chances in the balances, saying if I cling to the plane, I will likely die, but maybe I will survive it. If I stay in my country, the Islamic fundamentalist (the Taliban) will kill me, or at the least, my life will no longer be worth living. Regardless of your position on whether our country should have ever been in Afghanistan, if this country doesn’t get wise to the principles that actually made us a free people, it won’t be long until people in this country are just as desperate as what we are witnessing now in Afghanistan to find liberty again.

It is alarming to witness to what degree Americans have been casting off the religious moorings which tie us to the blessings of liberty. There is so much about our history we’ve either forgotten or purposely suppressed. Let me go on the record and say that freedom cannot survive removed from its spiritual moorings.

Perhaps no one sums it up better than Noah Webster, who said, “Almost all the civil liberty now enjoyed in the world owes its origin to the principles of the Christian religion…The religion which has introduced civil liberty is the religion of Christ and his apostles, which enjoins humility, piety, and benevolence; which acknowledges in every person a brother, or a sister, and a citizen with equal rights. This is genuine Christianity, and to this, we owe our free constitutions of government…”

With aliens currently flooding our border, constant misinformation from the so-called experts on COVID, the undermining of the rule of law and law enforcement, significant loss of confidence in our elections, our wholesale surrender to the vices of life, and the weakening of our standing abroad, we are ripe for a fall so loud it will be heard around the world. It will shake the world to its core.

I genuinely believe we have reached the point of either revival or ruin. Just as Moses stood at the gate of the camp and said, “Who is on the Lord’s side?” (Exodus 32:26), Americans are now confronted with the same question. Which way, America? Make up your mind!

I will give you my answer, with the hope you might make it your own. “As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD” (Joshua 24:15).

Progressivism is the religion of fools. It’s a form of practical atheism. It denies God’s sovereignty over everyone. It denies the sacredness of human life and God’s order for the home and family. It supplants God-given rights with rights bestowed by the state. Because it fails to acknowledge the presence of evil, it mostly takes a pacifist position regarding war and military power, and international relations. Characteristically, it holds that morals are defined by social convention, not the Ten Commandments. Progressives are now running our government. If they continue directing our policies, they will drive us into hell itself.

Now what I am about to say next might be surprising for many. The first step to getting our country back on the right track is not simply ousting progressives. The primary means is for you and me to get serious about our own relationship with God. You and I must repent of our sins and seek the Lord’s forgiveness.

People need to choose Christ as Savior and Lord. Have you ever decided for Christ? Have you acknowledged your sins, turned away from them, and looked to him for forgiveness? Have you decided with your whole heart that you will follow him?

Christians need to share their faith in Christ. They need to witness to others of the Lord’s transforming power. They need to demonstrate how Christ has made a difference in them. It’s also time for Christians to get into the battle for righteousness. The great Reformer, Martin Luther, once said, “If we are not fighting where the battle is the hottest, we are traitors to the cause of Christ.”

It’s long past time to boldly speak up and out from a biblical worldview – speak up to your family, speak out to your neighbors and friends. It may cost you something to stand for the truth. But Jesus said if we wanted to follow him, we must be willing to deny ourselves and take up a Cross (Luke 9:23). Cross-bearing is real Christian living.

Like many others, I pray for my country regularly. I work for its salvation and deliverance from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Even more, I seek to use whatever influence bestowed me to protect it from underworld pressures not visible to the human eye – “against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12) – against demonic influences bent on destroying this precious spot on the globe – a place that’s been the recipient of God’s favors for over 240 years.

Don’t think what’s happening in Afghanistan can’t happen here. We can also be overrun and freedom lost. In fact, we can expect it to happen unless there’s a wholesale turning to God. Providence would be justified if our troubles were even greater than that of the Afghans, because for centuries we’ve possessed the truth and benefited from it, yet lately renounced it. We’ve imprudently sinned against knowledge.

Perhaps in principle, the persons falling from that jet were saying as Paul Revere did at the outset of the American Revolution, “Give me liberty or give me death.” The time has now come when the present generation of Americans may have to say the same and really mean it, if freedom is to be preserved.

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