Good News Journal

Can Your Employer Force You to Take the Vaccine?

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There is an alarming dilemma which has become reality for many—take the vaccine or lose your job. Professions hit hardest by this freedom-sucking mandate include, but not limited to, those serving in the military, students/teachers and medical personnel.

As the media spends their time making ominous announcements of increasing numbers of COVID variant cases, they work intentionally to stoke the flames of fear to stir the public against any who refuse to comply with their totalitarian vaccine demand.

What are your rights if you choose to maintain your decision-making freedom over your body, your health and your family?

David Hacker, the director of litigation at First Liberty institute, explains the legal options available. “Americans shouldn’t be faced with the decision whether to follow their religious beliefs or lose their job,” he began. “We have successfully helped hundreds of people who have requested assistance in the area of religious exemption from vaccines.

Forced vaccinations violate the Nuremberg Code, which requires legal consent from the individual. Obviously a forced vaccination violates your consent if you are unwilling to take it.

If you have been faced with a demand to take the vaccine or lose your job or other freedoms and would like information or assistance on how to request religious accommodations, go to to submit a request. They will review your situation and get back to you with a tool kit to help you prepare a request for religious accommodation/exemption.

It is recommended to tailor the exemption template to your individual beliefs and personal objection such as the use of aborted fetal tissue or receiving blood products or unclean substances. The bottom line is that you have rights for exemption from those seeking to mandate the vaccine, and help is available.

Is this simply a test run for the mark of the beast, to see where and how people will push back? How much freedom will we hand over under the pretext of safety, and how far will we let them go?

It has been proven over the last year and a half that most Americans are willing to give up almost all freedoms for the exchange of promised safety and a return to “normal.” Yet they have proven that although they have restricted our freedoms, they have no intentions of allowing things to return to normal as they now threaten increased and forced restrictions against where we can go, what we can buy and even in the future access to our own bank accounts for those who refuse to comply.

If this were actually the mark of the beast, would you so willingly comply? Is this really that different? Again, perhaps this is our test. No one should ever have to choose between their job and their faith and/or constitutional freedoms—especially in America.

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