
Number of Families Choosing to Homeschool Grows Exponentially

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As many schools across the country prepare to reopen this year, the number of parents opting to homeschool their children has surged in the wake of COVID-19 school lockdowns. Some want their kids to learn from a faith-based curriculum while others believe their local schools have problems.

Yvonne Bunn, director of homeschool support and government affairs with Home Educators Association of Virginia, told CBN News they had to increase their staff in order to answer the spike in questions from parents.

“These parents have been extremely engaged,” she said. “They’re coming to webinars and seminars. They call with questions about how to start homeschooling, how to comply with the law, and where to get the curriculum.”

She added, “In Virginia alone, we have seen over a 48 percent increase in homeschoolers for the last school year. We went from 44,000 to 65,000 homeschoolers,” she said. “Lots of parents have done this and say their child has done so much better or they’re not being bullied.”

“It got so they didn’t trust anything but their own homes, and their children being with them,” she said. “Now they’re seeing the future—seeing what their children can do.”

Jennifer Gonzalez from Appomattox, Virginia chose to homeschool her three sons, ages 9, 13 and 15, after their Catholic school in Lynchburg closed last year because of a decrease in enrollment.

“My kids have just excelled,” she said. “We’re able to be home and be together.”

As parents across the country sort through the educational options for their children, one silver lining for those who select homeschooling is more time to explore what their kids are learning.

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