
Ignore Irritating Critics and Applaud America's Achievements

3 Mins read
stairs in sky

“And I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free/ And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.

“And I’d gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today/Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land! God bless the U.S.A.” —Proud To Be an American, Lee Greenwood

The July 4th weekend has just passed and for most of us it was a joyous occasion celebrating the birthday of this great nation. A day off work to enjoy family, friends, fireworks and festivities that lifted our spirits.This in spite of the results of a recent poll of 400,000 college students where 57% of the liberal students answered no to the question “Are you proud to be an American?” And how about the heavyweight hammer throwing Olympian who showed contempt by refusing to honor our flag and National Anthem on the platform in the trials?

Without suggesting escapism, might it do us some good if we lingered a bit in the good of what this nation represents and has accomplished in the global scheme of things? Personally, “I’m proud to be an American.”

In the book, The 5000 Year Leap–A Miracle That Changed the World, the authors point out that “From the beginning of recorded history until the founding of the American nation, human civilization made relatively little progress. Those who came to the New World in the 1500s and 1600s were still plowing fields behind animals, moving about in ox carts, and hand-weaving cloth the same way they had for thousands of years.”

“Then, beginning with Jamestown and Plymouth, something remarkable happened—the human spirit was set free, creativity flourished and experimentation abounded. Americans were learning how to experience freedom. After the proven principles of liberty were institutionalized by the U.S. Constitution in the 1780s, it took less than 200 years before men were walking on the moon!”

With the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution, a political achievement unprecedented in human history was launched. Government was no longer by a monarchy, oligarchy or by tyranny; it was “of the people, by the people and for the people.” No nation in history has endured this long with the same constitutional framework in spite of discontented, ungrateful, people trying to promote their “far superior,” progressive plans.

The seminal, revolutionary idea at the heart of America’s success was self-government rooted in morality and a virtuous people forsaking selfishness for the common good. They knew their fallen condition but believed people could be redeemed, embrace checks and balances, then govern themselves in our history-making, new republic.

Their divinely inspired purpose was not to be self-focused but to bless mankind as a “city on a hill” and demonstrate what ordered freedom could bring. James Madison said: “The happy union of these states is a wonder; their Constitution is a miracle; their example the hope of liberty throughout the world.” Abe Lincoln said it best, declaring, “America is the last best hope of the earth!”

The freedom we have was never meant to be unrestrained licentiousness. Rooted in basic Christianity, it was intended to enable individuals to conduct themselves in such a way as to enjoy peace and prosperity, restrain and punish evil, and release each person’s creativity and God-given potential.

How has this great “American Experiment” worked? Acknowledging our sins and errors along the way, we persevere towards progress and that “more perfect union.” Have our virtuous emphasis and ordered freedom released blessing, helping people throughout the world?

In a little over 200 years, the human race has made a 5,000-year leap. While honoring other nations’ achievements, we should feel mighty grateful for how God has blessed these United States of America and accelerated human progress throughout the entire world through this “one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

God is first revealed in Scripture as Creator. Our Founding Fathers honored this, declaring, “All men are created equal.”

Here’s the Deal: Instead of listening to whining, angry malcontents spewing nonstop, negative narratives of profanity-laced, polarizing pronouncements of “systemic racism,” “wokeness,” phobias, demands, “oppression” and “corrupt capitalism,” let’s look to our good God, then to the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor, torch held high. She shines a light and conveys an invitation of freedom, virtue and generosity to all the world. May we humbly honor our heritage and God-given accomplishments as we reconsecrate ourselves to the ideals upon which we were founded and that God has so richly blessed.

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