
America Is In a Fight It Cannot Afford to Loose

4 Mins read
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America’s future survival as the world’s leader of freedom and liberty for all is at stake. That may sound like an outrageous statement but results of recent polling should alarm us all. That poll was designed to determine how proud Americans were of their country.

By age group, senior citizens led the parade with 86% of those over 65 saying they were “very or extremely proud,” compared with 75% of the middle aged (45-64) and 59% of median adults (25-44). While these numbers do reflect a generational decline in patriotism the really disturbing news is the dramatic drop off among young adults (24%).

Shockingly, America’s young people, 18-24, were three times less likely to be proud of being American and were more than twice as likely to say they were “not at all” or “only slightly proud” of their country. These findings pose a real and present danger to America’s future. How do we explain this? What changed? What can we, as Americans, do about it?

One major reason for this precipitous decline in patriotism is undoubtedly the rise and spread of the lethal and corrosive critical race theory (CRT), which has been simmering just under the surface for at least a decade in the nation’s universities. Sadly, CRT has now filtered down into the K-12 curricula of this nation’s public schools.

CRT is a variant of Marxism that is based on race rather than class. It will inevitably lead people to view America as a racist society, which must undergo a revolutionary overhaul of its oppressive institutions such as the traditional family, the church, and the nation-state itself.

Thankfully, a fierce grassroots backlash against CRT has been generated among parents of all races and ethnic backgrounds across the country. They’ve made their opposition known to school administrators, principals, teachers, and even members of their local school boards. The first half of 2021 saw more school board recall efforts than any year since 2006. But for speaking out, some of these parents have been slandered, discredited, and in some cases, even insulted on national news broadcasts.

The National Education Association (NEA) has now entered the fray on the side of CRT and has finally admitted they are teaching CRT and are vowing to “fight back against anti-CRT rhetoric.” At their annual convention a few days ago, they enthusiastically approved funding for “increasing the implementation of Critical Race Theory” in K-12 curriculum across the nation’s public schools. Furthermore, the NEA promised to do opposition research on those who are opposing CRT (including local associations of parents) and are providing $127,600 in funds to attack these groups. Pro-CRT educators want to indoctrinate America’s children, not educate them. The resolutions amounted to a declaration of war on parent organizations that have spoken out. The battle lines are drawn. America is now engaged in a true culture war over the minds and hearts of our nation’s children. The victor will determine the path of education for America’s children and — by extension — our country’s future.

Patti Menders is among those who insist students are being targeted with a political agenda. “My parents escaped from Communist Cuba in 1961, and I was taught at a very young age what to look for in socialism. What do they do? They go right to the children,” Menders told CBN News.

Neurosurgeon and former HUD Secretary Ben Carson recently stated, “ Critical Race Theory is an attempt to use race as a mechanism for redefining our society, redefining what it was based on, and how it impacts everybody. And it wants our people to believe that your race is the most critical determinant of who you are and what happens to you in our society. It is dividing America.”

“Our country is a magnificent place,” Carson said. “It can’t be destroyed by Russia or China, or Iran or North Korea. But it can be destroyed from within – there’s no question about that. That’s what Jesus meant when he said a house divided cannot stand. Lincoln reiterated that, and we need to recognize that we, the American people are not enemies.”

“It was Vladimir Lenin who said, Give me your children, to teach for four years, and the seeds that I plant will never be uprooted,” Carson added. “Supporters of CRT know the importance of getting into the school systems, and indoctrinating the young people, and that will have a permanent effect.”

North Carolina’s first African American Lieutenant Governor, Mark Robinson, recently threw his support behind a nationwide initiative to challenge racial “indoctrination” in schools through CRT. He explained, “We have to ensure that CRT is not causing our children to hate the nation they live in.”

This issue will also be a factor in Virginia’s upcoming gubernatorial race as Republican candidate, Glenn Youngkin has come out strongly against CRT while Democrat Terry McAuliffe has endorsed it.

America is not a fundamentally racist nation. Americans are not fundamentally racists people. That is why this battle over what is being taught to our children is so important and why this is a fight we cannot afford to lose. The good news is that 58% of Americans already oppose CRT and many more will do so when they understand what it is and how it would fatally fracture American society if it were fully implemented.

Let us all pray that God will grant us the wisdom to prevail in this crusade to protect our children from being brainwashed against their priceless heritage as Americans. May we all continue to fight for a society in which everyone is judged not by the color of his/her skin, but by the content of his/her character.

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