
In Defense of the Police

2 Mins read
stairs in sky

When I was pastoring, a family (a cadre of sisters) in one of my churches opposed my leadership relentlessly. If I said yes, they would say no. If I said no, they would say yes. If I waited to see what they would say, and they said no, if I also said no, then they would change their minds and say yes. It was ridiculous.

I never quite understood their opposition; it seemed to come from a rebellious spirit against authority in general, and specifically, a distrust in pastoral leadership because of previous pastors who had acted egregiously.

This group of sisters I’ve referenced were a constant source of disunity and loss for our church fellowship. Only the Final Judgment will show just how much the work of the Lord suffered because of them.

I’m seeing something of the same today against the police. Fault me if you wish, but I don’t believe there is a problem of systemic racism in law enforcement. That’s balderdash! There are bad cops, and there are bad, racist cops. They should be held accountable. Nevertheless, most of the opposition against our police seems to be borne out of the rebellious spirit of this age – a disrespect against authority in general, and specifically, the smearing of every cop as evil because of a few rotten ones.

Our law enforcement officers are now coming under unbearable scrutiny, and we can be sure it’s undermining our security as a people. I suggest we are making a similar mistake with the police that we did with the soldiers that fought in the Vietnam War. Those men in uniform were heroes, yet were treated like criminals.

The real bad guys are not in a blue uniform; some of them are politicians in suits capitalizing on certain adverse events, grossly exaggerating them, and using them to further their twisted and nefarious political agendas. I suggest if they can effectively manipulate enough of us, then none of us will be safe. There won’t be enough men and women to serve in law enforcement anymore, and the criminals will have the high ground. Of course, this leads to chaos, ultimately leading to everyone’s neck coming under the fascist’s boot that promises to bring back control.

The police are meant to protect and enforce our rights from birth – the right to life, the right to liberty, and the right to our property. If we weaken their role among us, we diminish the preservation of these sacred rights.

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