
Addictions Broken, Lives Restored for Thousands of Carolinians

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The Carolinas were touched by the fire of God on a recent weekend as thousands gathered to lift up the name Jesus during Sean Feucht’s “Let Us Worship” revival events. The Christian artist has traveled across the country over the last year hosting these events as a way to spread God’s Light across the U.S. during these challenging times.

People of all ages and from different walks of life have come out to these worship events to receive salvation, be baptized, and entrust their lives to the Lord.

Feucht and his team were at Hanahan Amphitheater in Charleston, South Carolina on Saturday, March 27 where people were set free from heroin addiction, anxiety, and depression. With hands raised up to Heaven, hundreds of worshippers received God’s amazing love. In the process, bodies were healed and souls were saved as the brokenhearted laid their burdens on the altar.

The revival moved to Greensboro, North Carolina the next day where over 5,000 worshippers turned their troubles over to God. On the verge of tears, Feucht reflected on the powerful move of God taking place in the southern states.

“We have literally seen almost this whole place on their knees, repenting and rededicating their lives to Jesus,” he said in a video. “This is incredible. I hope this encourages you. I’m blown away for what God is doing in the Carolinas. It’s just getting better. It’s just getting more full of His glory and there’s a lot of hope for America.”

The praise leader added that he believes change is coming to the Church and America. “The political spirit in America is meant to get you fired up and angry but the King will have His way. I believe there is a new way of leadership coming to the Church and the political realm. It’s one that’s full of optimism, hope, and joy where we look at the problems in our nation, the problems in our cities from a place of hope because we know Who’s on the throne and Who’s in control.”

Feucht is pushing ahead during this difficult season, saying the Church must continue to rise up and become the solution in an effort to bring restoration to the dispirited and heavyhearted.

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