
There is Something Wrong With This Picture

4 Mins read
stairs in sky

Many Christians today sense that there is something sinister going on in the world around us. I know that the last year brought many changes to the way we live. There is no doubt that the pandemic has disrupted our lives like nothing else has in our memories. But there is something else that is happening to our society that may be much more damaging to us long term that Covid-19.

The Bible warns us of a time when many will depart from the gospel and accept evil as good and darkness as light. “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!” (Isaiah 5:20-21)

Sadly, we have entered those times, and can see examples of it almost daily. In our chaotic world it is easy to just accept it and go on with our lives. But be warned! This is a danger that we as Christians must recognize and fight against with all our might.

How can we think that it is good when the GayBC’s are accepted and Dr. Seuss and The Muppet Show are deemed evil? The GayBC’s was published in 2019 with a suggested reading age being children between 4-8. The book contains lines like this: “B is for bi” (as in bisexual) and “C is for coming out” and “D is for drag” and “N is for non-binary” and “Q is for queer” and “S is for sashay.” What little child on the planet can possibly understand the meaning of these words and terms? Yet one professional reviewer stated, “The GayBCs should be required reading for all children.”

The American Library Association celebrates Drag Queen Story Hour for toddlers, kindergarteners are learning about being trans, and middle-schoolers are encouraged to come out as gay without their parents knowing. We’re now being warned that babies could be racist, and elementary school children are instructed about the sinful degrees of whiteness. This is shameless, dangerous and is nothing short of indoctrination.

All of this is happening while Dr. Seuss is being banished for being racist. A school district in Virginia dropped Read Across America Day recently because of that. You cannot even buy six of these books on e-Bay anymore, not because they have all been sold but because eBay has banned their sale. Banned! Like a deadly poison, the general public cannot have access to something this dangerous while books like Mein Kampf and Chairman Mao’s Little Red Book are readily available for purchase. But take heart, The National Education Association has provided a list of books to consider as replacements for those by Dr. Seuss that have been canceled. It includes Julián Is a Mermaid, about a boy who wants to be a mermaid, and The Prince and the Dressmaker, about a cross-dressing prince.

Now, The Muppets, the fictional hand-puppets that have been entertaining adults and children alike since 1955, are suddenly “offensive.” Disney released five seasons of the iconic “The Muppet Show” on its Disney+ streaming service recently. Viewers quickly noticed that there is an “offensive content” disclaimer that stated, “This program includes negative depictions and/or mistreatment of people or cultures.”

Disney doesn’t specify what “negative depictions” and “stereotypes” were so egregious that a content warning was needed for the TV show that won three BAFTA Awards, four Primetime Emmy Awards, and a Peabody Award. Disney has also restricted access to classic movies including Dumbo, Peter Pan, Swiss Family Robinson and The Aristocats on its streaming service for children under the age of seven, over concerns that racist stereotypes appear in the films.

This is the madness of today’s PC culture, a culture that celebrates as a good thing when a teenager like Jazz has sex-change surgery on reality TV — thereby doing irreparable, lifetime harm to herself — while zealously warning us about the evil of Pepe Le Pew, the french skunk from Looney Tunes, who has been canceled from ‘Space Jam: A New Legacy’ because he perpetuates rape culture. Canceling a skunk when the porn industry makes billions is evil.

Do you see the irony? Cancel culture goes after children’s books, cartoon characters, and Bible verses but says nothing about “Cuties” on Netflix and Cardi B lyrics. Something is definitely wrong with this picture!

Christians be warned! A recent study revealed that 89% of Americans feel cancel culture is a major problem today. Freedom to express our traditional Judeo- Christian values is being threatened. But, if you disagree with this far left ideology, you will be labeled an oppressor, be boycotted, and outed. You will be accused of being a racists or any of a number of ‘phobics’ that are used to falsely label people of faith by people of no faith.

We must not compromise our biblical convictions. We must never fall into the sinful trap of accepting evil as good or good as evil. Woe unto us if we do. We must pray for the courage to stand for biblical truth with biblical grace. If we don’t we will eventually be living in a world where all of the light of the Christian gospel will be canceled.

Let us claim Moses’ word to the Jews confronting the dangers they faced as God’s word to us: “Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6).

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