
Religious Freedom Under Attack in America

2 Mins read
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The year 2020 has seen more attacks on religious freedom in America than any year in memory. Below are just three of the latest.

School Rips Bible Verses From Day Planners Donated by Church- A North Carolina school (East Alexander Middle School) cut two Bible verses out of day planners that were donated to students by a Baptist church. The Bible verses were from the book of Philippians and Jeremiah. Sulfur Springs Baptist Church spent more than $2,000 to print the planners. They were presented to students as a way of encouraging the young people.

“We just put it back there for an encouragement,” one church member told the television station.. “We know last year ended rough. This society right now, I think we need God in our lives and Jesus in our lives and this just tears my heart apart.”

Christians Banned From Worshipping in Park, But Then God Intervened- The City of Seattle shut down a local park in advance of a massive gathering of Christian worshippers. Christians were banned from the park, but not Black Lives Matter or Antifa. Let that sink in, folks. But instead of canceling the event, the Christians simply relocated the service to the street and called it a “worship protest.” Brilliant! Thousands of Christians sang together, “Our God reigns,” as they stood in the streets and atop of nearby buildings.

The worship protest also angered at least one Antifa member who noted, “The more I yell, the more f***ing fun they have.”

This is the height of hypocrisy for the City of Seattle to turn a blind eye to riots, looting, and AntiFa, while refusing to let Christians gather in a public park to sing and worship. First the government shuts down churches. Now it’s shutting down parks to stop us from worshiping. Time to stand up church!”

More Than 12,000 Christians Defy Governor, Worship at California Capitol- More than 12,000 thousands of all races and backgrounds gathered in the sweltering heat to worship Jesus Christ at the state capitol building in Sacramento, California. The Christians did so in defiance of Governor Gavin Newsom, the Democrat governor responsible for shutting down many churches across the state.

“America was founded on the freedom to worship,” said Sean Feucht, organizer of the ‘Let Us Worship’ rally. “Politicians can write press releases. They can make threats. They can shut down parks. They can put up fences. But they can’t stop the Church of Christ from worshipping the One True God.”

Among those attending the rally was State Sen. Shannon Grove, a Republican from Bakersfield. “We are gonna worship like we’ve never worshiped before, and I declare that after all of this is over tonight, the remnant, the residue of this worship will saturate this ground and seep into that building,” Grove told the gathering. “And when it goes into that building, it will touch every heart that enters. God bless you, let us worship!”

God bless these great Bible-believing patriots in California!

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