
Burning Bibles is Like Wishing Away Hope

2 Mins read
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In their book, What If the Bible Had Never Been Written, the late Dr. D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe wrote:

“The impact of the Bible on our culture, on our nation, on world history has been enormous. Author and former Yale professor William Lyon Phelps observed, ‘Our civilization is founded upon the Bible. More of our ideas, our wisdom, our philosophy, our literature, our art, and our ideals come from the Bible than from all the other books combined.’

But what if the Bible had never been written? That’s a frightening thought! And yet, with Christian-bashing the only safe form of bigotry in practice today, it seems that many people wish that were the case. Indeed, many do wish that were the case. Recently, various news media carried the shocking story of Portland protestors burning stacks of Bibles and the American flag.

Twitter user Ian Cheong, who posted a video of the Bible burning, asked, “I don’t know what burning the Bible has to do with protesting against police brutality. Do not be under the illusion that these protests and riots are anything but an attempt to dismantle all of Western Civilization and upend centuries of tradition and freedom of religion.”

No book in human history has suffered more from suppression and the attempt to destroy it than the Bible. Evil men hate it because of its essential goodness. It advocates the rights of the individual, claiming that even the humblest and lowest of society is of the utmost value to God. Its content has always been, and will forever remain, a rebuke and irritant to the tyrannical.

Over and again, throughout the centuries, there have been efforts to get rid of the Bible. Roman emperors decreed that along with the early church and its sacred writings, the Scriptures should be hunted down and torched.

Later came the nefarious forces inside the church itself that bitterly opposed every effort to translate the Bible into the common language and make it readily available to the masses. Thank God for courageous men like John Wycliffe and William Tyndale who dedicated their lives to translating the Bible and getting it into the hands of everyone possible. They were so despised for their work and love of the Bible, that their bodies were burned and their work was ordered to be gathered and burned. Nevertheless, the Scriptures and Wycliffe’s translation for the commoners survived and would later be immortalized in the King James Version.

Foxes Book of Martyrs tells the stories of a seemingly exhaustive number of people who gave their lives at a time when even the possession of Holy Writ was a crime. Yet despite the persecutions, and the Bible burning that went on in those days, the sacred book lives on.

The Bible burners in Portland have no concept of the futility to which they set their hands when they literally and symbolically struck a match to its pages. Burning Bibles is not just wishing away its incomparable message on vast subject matter fundamental to human happiness; its not only wishing away what made Americans the most liberated people on record, its the same as wishing away hope!

God forbid that these foolish people would be allowed to deprive us of our hope. The Bible will survive their assaults, but we won’t survive without the Bible.

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