Good News Journal

Walking in God’s Will

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“The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.” —Psalm 19:8

Some people are running around today trying to get a direct revelation from God. They want the Lord to give them a word from Heaven: “Do this. . . . Turn right. . . . Turn left.”

Yet most of the time when I find myself in the middle of the will of God, it isn’t because I heard a word from the Lord. Rather it’s because I was simply living by the Word of God, applying biblical principles.

Daniel, for example, needed the interpretation to King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. He had a good biblical template to follow, which was the story of Joseph from Genesis.

Joseph, too, had the ability to interpret dreams. He was thrown in prison on false charges, and while he was there the Pharaoh had a dream that no one could interpret. So Pharaoh sent for Joseph, who told him what his dream meant. As a result, Pharaoh placed Joseph in a position of influence.

This brings up a simple point: the Bible tells us how to live. This is why we need to know the Bible. It’s why we need to study the stories of the Bible and the teachings of the Bible. And it’s also why we need to memorize passages from the Bible.

When we do this, we start learning how to think biblically. Because the best way to know the will of God is to know the Word of God.

So when a situation comes up, you think, “Wait, there’s a story in the Bible I just read that had a very similar situation. I’m going to apply that here.” Or, “I just thought of a verse I memorized that applies to this situation.”

As you apply God’s Word, as you live biblically, you’ll find that you’re walking in God’s will.

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