
Sacrificing Babies on the Altar of Convenience

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The decline of ethics and morality in America has been glaringly evident recently as the evils of abortion are becoming more prominent every day. On social media and in religious circles, many have expressed shock at a recently enacted abortion law in New York legalizing abortion right up the moment of birth. But New York is not the only offender as there are now 8 states that approve of abortions up to delivery date and more are on the way. This is happening despite the fact that only 15 percent of Americans approve of “anytime” abortion. Today the U.S. is one of only four countries in the world that permits this barbaric procedure. China and North Korea are two of the others, which says a lot about how far our values have eroded.

After the state’s legislature passed the Reproductive Health Act on Jan. 22, Governor Andrew Cuomo ordered that the lights on top of the World Trade Center be switched to pink to celebrate abortion rights. New York can try to color the issue of abortion pink, but there is nothing festive about this new law. Instead of shining pink lights, Governor Cuomo should have totally shut off the lights in the World Trade Center. It was a dark day for the United States.

Rev. Franklin Graham took to Facebook to point out that capital punishment has been ruled unconstitutional in New York, but abortion up to the day of birth is legal. “In New York, a murderer, rapist, serial killer, pedophile, or school shooter can’t receive a lethal injection—but a child in the womb can,” he said. “The legislators that pass these laws will have to give an account to God for every murdered life one day. May God have mercy on our nation.”

Then, if that bill was not enough to make you question the moral state of America, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D), a pediatric neurologist, stunned people across the country by saying some babies should be allowed to die after they’re born. He stated in an interview, “If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen.The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

Northam’s statement came while explaining a Democrat bill proposed in the Virginia House of Delegates that would have allowed babies to be aborted even while the mother is in delivery. Ironically, the legislator who sponsored the bill also filed a bill the same day protecting the cankerworm from pesticides. The cankerworm is a pest that can devastate trees. The contrast of the two bills is striking. Save the cankerworm. Destroy a full term baby.

Gary Bauer of American Values responded to Northam’s vile opinion, “By any definition, this is infanticide. And why stop at birth? On what moral basis can liberals say that if a mother gets depressed 24 hours later, she can’t change her mind and be allowed to kill her baby then?” It is reminiscent of Barbara Boxer’s spectacularly weird assertion on the Senate floor in 1999 that human life begins not at conception, not at some point during the pregnancy, not at birth, but when the infant leaves the hospital.

Pro-choice advocates cite “health of the mother” as justification for such brutal acts. But even the liberal New York Times noted that studies by the Guttmacher Institute show that 92.5 percent of third-trimester abortions are not preformed due to threats to the health of the mother or unborn child and just half of one percent of abortions are done because of rape or incest. The vast majority of these babies are sacrificed at the alter of convenience.

Just so the reader is aware how late term abortions are carried out here is a description by a former abortionist: “The baby is injected with a poison directly into his skull or torso. He then suffers a hideous and painful death, which he will certainly feel because of his developed nervous system. The mother carries the tortured baby around in her womb for a day or more. Then the mother is given an ultrasound to determine if the baby is dead. If he isn’t- if he has been writhing and suffering in agony, clinging on to life- then he will be injected again. Then the mother will deliver her dead baby.”

I now more fully understand the scenes of God’s people tearing their clothes and donning sackcloth and ashes when the darkness of sin became particularly acute.

Amazingly, Northam’s barbarous comments on infanticide hardly made a blip in the news coverage. There was no mention of it on ABC, NBC and MSNBC. CNN had 3 minutes and the CBS’s scant coverage was not focused on the reprehensible statements but on how Republicans reacted to them. There were also no comments from any leading Democrats on the subject. But several days later the media mob and almost every Democrat in America attacked the governor in full force demanding his resignation. Remarkably, the attacks had nothing to do with infanticide. They were in response to a racist photo of Northram in his college yearbook from 35 years ago. Without a doubt, we should all be against racism of any kind but does that warrant more outrage that murdering a baby after delivery? Have our priorities and our morals become that distorted.

These are certainly demonically inspired opinions and laws which should cause one to question how a major political party can fall so far away from a common-sense view regarding the sanctity of life. It reminds me of the evil days in Israel’s sordid history when the people fell into idol worship and sacrificed their children to the false god Moloch. “They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons; and poured out innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan.” (Psalm 106:37-38) Today the sacrifice of children is not to an ancient false god but to the god of Convenience.

As Christians, we have an obligation to stand in the gap for the helpless, and the most helpless lives are the lives of the unborn. As believers, we must understand that there is a real spiritual battle for the lives of the unborn, the lives of the mothers aborting them, and for the future laws of our nation.

How then are we to respond and what are we to do? We grieve and mourn and pray. We stand boldly and speak the truth. We vote for pro-life candidates. We come alongside crisis pregnancy centers and make sure that pregnant woman know they have real options including adoption and/or substantive support from communities of believers who will become for them a family within the household of God. If we don’t make the option of life substantial and real – including how they can thrive and not merely survive – then more children will be sacrificed on the altar of Choice.

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