Good News Journal

Dire warning about socialism creeping into Christianity

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A well-known Baptist minister is holding back no punches while preaching about the dangers of socialism, as leftist leaders such as Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – not to mention schools – continue to push the failed political system on Americans.

Former Southern Baptist Conference (SBC) President Jack Graham – who currently pastors the 42,000-member Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas – pulled no punches in one of his latest sermons titled, “Socialism and Capitalism.”

“No one serious about their Christian faith can be serious about supporting socialism,” Graham argued. “Socialism is totally secular, and it predicated on atheism. That is a fact.”

He contends that the struggle between Christian and socialist ideals is a conflict that goes beyond Republican and Democrat partisan politics, and portrays it as rather a battle between contradicting worldviews.

“Socialism is a political and philosophical economic system in which there is government ownership of the means of production, and the primary focus [is] on providing equality,” Graham pointed out.

The Baptist leader preached that any socialist system would be a threat to Christians and their freedoms.

“I’m telling you, at the very core of this philosophy – and yes, this political economic system – is atheism,” Graham asserted. “You say, ‘Well, that was then. That’s old style,’ … It would be a catastrophic miscalculation to think that socialist hostility towards religion – and Christianity specifically – has changed in any way since Karl Marx.”

“Democratic socialism is a bait-and-switch scam,” explained Graham. “It offers nothing new. It’s no different than the socialism that my great-grandfather experienced. It all begins with great promise – and it will end with misery.”

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