
Victory for Religious Liberty

1 Mins read
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A Supreme Court decision is being called a win for religious freedom. CBN News has reported for years about the Kleins, two Oregon bakers who were fined for refusing to make a cake for a gay commitment ceremony. The case involves bakers Melissa and Aaron Klein who were punished with a $135,000 fine for declining to create a same-sex wedding cake in 2013.

The legal fight over the case went up to the high court recently, where the justices threw out a previous state court ruling against the Kleins, sending the case back down to that court in Oregon.

Kelley Shackelford, president, CEO, and chief counsel of First Liberty Institute, the non-profit law group which represented the Kleins, called the Supreme Court decision “a victory for the religious liberty of all Americans.”

“This is a victory for Aaron and Melissa Klein and for religious liberty for all Americans,” Shackelford said. “The Constitution protects speech, popular or not, from condemnation by the government. The message from the Court is clear, government hostility toward religious Americans will not be tolerated.”

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