
Witches Place Hexes on Kavanaugh and Trump: Do They Matter?

2 Mins read

By now, most Americans will have heard about the rituals performed in Brooklyn recently by a group of real-life witches to place hexes on new Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. The “Witches of Bushwick” carved his name into a black candle, doused it in “Revenge Oil,” and then set it on fire. Three “poppets” – cloth dolls made to look like real people – adorned the altar, effigies of Kavanaugh, President Trump, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Roughly 16,000 people expressed interest on Facebook, but only 60-70 people could fit into the occultic bookstore, each paying $10 to attend the hexing. It turns out the witchcraft session was also a fundraiser for the LGBT agenda and abortion, which gives you a pretty good idea of the ultimate source of both homosexuality and the murder of the unborn.

While many Americans laugh at the whole idea of the casting of curses and whatnot, curses should not be dismissed out of hand or waved away as just so much superstition. While there are certainly dilettantes out there just fooling around, there are practitioners of the dark arts who are skilled at interacting with the unseen world of principalities and powers.

Jesus spent a good deal of time in his earthly ministry delivering people from the bondage of demonic spirits, and his apostles did the same. He was not, as many think, simply accommodating himself to the ignorance of his time. He clearly recognized the reality of demons and the damage they can do to ordinary human beings. For just one example, consider Mark 9:25 and 29: “You mute and deaf spirit, I command you, come out of him and never enter him again…This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer.”

I encourage God’s people to pray on behalf of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, using the weapons of our warfare to pray for victory in the unseen world for him and for ongoing protection from the work of the evil one for him and his family

Publishers Note: Witchcraft in the U.S. is growing rapidly and the world of demons is not something to be taken lightly. Within a week of the “hexing,” two young girls in Bartow, Florida were caught in a plot to kill their Bartow Middle School classmates in what police say was an attempted act of Satan worship. The pair, aged 11 and 12-years-old, brought scissors, knives and even a pizza cutter to stab, kill and dismember unsuspecting students in a school bathroom. Investigators say the girls planned to drink their victims’ blood from a goblet as a part of devil worship.

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