
5 Holiday Shopping Tips: Saving Big Bucks

1 Mins read

What brightens up your holiday shopping season? You may prefer a quiet Christmas season at home, large family gatherings at the home of the relative who drew the short straw, or hand-to-hand combat at the mall. However, everyone agrees that saving money on Christmas shopping gives the holiday an extra layer of cheer. Here are five suggestions to increase your holiday cheer and your savings account simultaneously.

1. Make a List – Avoid the temptation to go shopping without a list and look for holiday inspiration. You’ll find inspiration, along with many gift items you didn’t really want at a higher price than you should have paid. Know what you are shopping for and avoid costly holiday “mission creep.” After all, even Santa makes a list (and checks it twice).

2. Make a Budget – A budget is the key to any form of saving. Once you have a gift list, research all the items on that list to find reasonable prices for those items. Once you see the typical range of prices, you’ll know a good deal when you see one.

3. Consider Homemade Presents – A knitted sweater or a handcrafted jewelry box not only saves money, but it also provides a personal touch that makes your gift special. Can’t knit or build things? You may be surprised at what you can learn – and if you find a new skill, you may acquire a hobby that can become a profitable side source of income.

4. Buy Previous Models of Electronics – If you must have the latest smartphone, game system, or Smart TV, be prepared to pay for it. Retailers are always offering deals on the previous versions to clear space for the new generations. Will your gift recipient really care if they receive the previous model?

5. Scale Back Your Tree – Do you really need a huge dead tree in your home to enjoy the holiday? Why not switch to a simple artificial tree that can be used year after year? If a natural tree is important, how about scaling the size back – or perhaps choosing a small living tree instead? You can plant it after the holidays and enjoy it all year round (assuming that you don’t live in an apartment).

We hope you have an enjoyable holiday and an equally enjoyable post-holiday as you ponder your savings.

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