
The Prophetic Year in Review: “Mark of the Beast”

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Over the last few decades, some Bible scholars have postulated that the “mark of the beast” might be a computer chip inserted under a person’s skin. The chip would serve as an identifier and repository of vast amounts of information about the individual.

From critical medical information to credit and banking information, the chip would guarantee security and convenience. It would also make possible an amazing Bible prophecy concerning the Antichrist’s partner, the False Prophet.

Revelation 13:16-17 foretells, “He causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand, or on their forehead, and he provides that no one should be able to buy or sell, except the one who has the mark.”

In July of 2017, a company in Wisconsin implanted tiny computer chips into the hands of about 50 employee volunteers. These chips only allow them to open doors and buy snacks from vending machines without money. In other words, to make things more convenient for the busy employees. It sounds harmless enough, but portends more ominous possibilities in the future.

Last year, The New York Times called certain toys “the cybersecurity nightmares of 2017.” The paper was referring to the fact that more and more toys contain cameras and microphones that connect to the internet — and constantly gather data.

Today, toys spy on us. Cell phones spy on us. Televisions, cars, and even refrigerators spy on us.

In 2017, TSA began using facial scans at some airports. In October, the liberal Slate magazine reported on legislation pending before Congress. It said, “…an alarming section of the bill would give… a green light to begin using biometrics to identify people in airports nationwide… right now there’s only one technology fit for a biometric surveillance system: automated, real-time face scans.”

On another front, digital currencies — cryptocurrencies — came into their own in 2017. Bitcoin’s value rose to unbelievable levels. But from a prophetic point-of-view, I’m more interested in government-issued digital currency.

These cryptocurrencies foreshadow a future world currency that can be completely controlled by the Antichrist.

Another development that hints at a “mark of the beast” economic system is happening in China. They are actively building the largest DNA database in the world. For the “mark of the beast” to work, it will need to be made secure using DNA and other biometric identifiers. The Chinese government has also found a way to control the internet within their borders. In 2017, they achieved the ability to erase data and images mid-transmission! In the future, these techniques could go global. That would be a tremendous aid to the Antichrist by allowing his government to absolutely control all communications between people.

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