
Graham laments 'what's happened to Democratic Party’

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Franklin Graham is in a quandary as to what has become of the Democratic Party – especially with its frequently exposed anti-God and anti-America agenda.

The president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) recently took to social media to air his concern about Democrats forcing a county party leader to resign a while back over posting a statement that most Americans would — and should – feel proud to make:

“I stand for the flag, I kneel at the cross,” former United States Marine and Gulf War veteran Mark Salvas declared – to the chagrin of his fellow Democratic leaders, according to WND.

Dems evolving so far left, they can’t be right?

The son of the late iconic evangelist Billy Graham took to social media to back Salvas and shame Democrats for punishing their own party member for making such an honorable declaration.

“I’m not ashamed of my patriotism – not one bit,” Graham expressed on Facebook to his millions of followers, as reported by WND. “I fought for this country. I think I have a right to have a voice and be patriotic.”

The CEO of the Christian humanitarian aid organization, Samaritan’s Purse, went on to reaffirm his support of Salvas and question the motivation taking over the blue party – one that many see as continuing to move farther and farther to the left.

“He’s right,” Graham continued. “What has happened to the Democratic Party?”

Equating loyalty to God and America to ‘racism’

Democratic leaders were noticeably upset and distraught when Salvas publicly proclaimed his personal faith and patriotism as the new chairman of Allegheny County Democratic Party – so furious that they booted him from his position.

“We have a zero tolerance for sexual harassment or racism of any kind,” Democratic Committee Chairwoman Nancy Mills insisted, according to Fox News’ The Todd Starnes Show. “I think Chairwoman [Eileen] Kelly made the right decision once she was aware of the issues.”

While sitting down with the Fox News show’s host, Todd Starnes, Salvas shared how angered Democratic Party leaders were about his wife showing her support in a Facebook post for a police officer who was accused of killing an African American with racist intent.

Even though her support was clearly expressed to denote her confidence in the law enforcement officer – because she had witnessed his virtuous character all his life – Democrats interpreted her backing as nothing more than a white supremacist rant.

“Salvas said they had known the police officer and his family since the officer was a toddler,” Starnes explained to his audience.

Rep. Ed Gainey (D-Pa.) also jumped on the Democrats’ race-card bandwagon, going as far as to accuse Salvas of insulting African-American voters … as losing votes – as opposed to genuine concern over racism – appeared to be the key issue at hand.

“To put that up on Facebook was, to me, insensitive – also to African Americans, who, as you know, have backed the Democratic Party for quite a long time, and everybody knows that it was insensitive,” Gainey argued, according to The Todd Starnes Show. “A Democratic leader has to be sensitive.”

Several years ago – at the 2012 Democratic National Convention before former President Barack Obama’s second term – a similar reception to what Salvas received for saying he knelt at the cross and bowed to the flag was received when Democrats booed after it was announced that God was being reintroduced to their party’s platform.

“Thousands of bloggers are reporting this morning that delegates at the Democratic convention in Charlotte booed when God was reintroduced into their party’s platform,” CatholicCulture.org reported in September 2012. “In drafting the original platform, Democratic leaders had removed references to God – and to Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. They didn’t merely forget to mention God – in updating previous party platforms, they made a conscious decision to remove Him.”

Even though most Democrats from coast to coast would most likely not cheer their party devising a godless platform, elected leaders apparently thought it was a good idea.

“When that decision was brought to the attention of ordinary American voters – outside the orbit of the Democratic Party apparatchiks – it was unpopular … it didn’t play in Peoria,” CatholicCulture.org’s Phil Lawler explained. “Belatedly, the Democratic leaders realized that they should put God back in the picture, so an amendment to the platform was placed on the convention’s agenda.”

Showing the godless heart and soul of the Democratic Party, the amendment to put God back in the party’s platform was received with much controversy from within the rank and file at the DNC Convention.

“Quite a few delegates opposed the mention of God – some, no doubt, were primarily concerned about the mention of Jerusalem,” Lawler recounted. “Party leaders might have simplified matters by introducing two separate amendments – one to restore a mention of God, the other to name Jerusalem as Israel’s capital – but that tactic would not have suited the purposes of the party strategists. They didn’t want an open debate on God or on Jerusalem during the convention – they didn’t want to give American voters the opportunity to see just how radical the Democratic Party has become … they wanted the amendment approved quickly.”

Regardless of the problematic and confusing amendment process that took place during the convention, it was evident that a large proportion – most likely the majority – of the nation’s most vocal and influential Democrats were more than hostile to the idea of letting God back into their platform at the time.

In fact, it was reported that most Democrats at the 2012 DNC Convention actually voted to keep God out, as one conservative media outlet insisted that the voice vote from the crowd definitely went against welcoming God back in to the Democratic platform.

Even though Graham has been vocal about his support for many of President Donald Trump’s conservative Christian policies regarding religious freedom and biblical principles concerning social issues, he made it quite clear earlier this summer in August that what truly matters is not whether one stands with Republicans or Democrats – but whether one stands with God.

“Graham – who described himself as ‘not a politician’ and involved with neither political parties – said healing the country’s political divide is a problem beyond mere mortals,” The Mail Tribune noted at the time.

He addressed the tension in America between those on the political right and left – insisting that neither party has the answers – only God.

“Only God can fix it,” Graham added. “The Republican Party’s not going to fix the problems of this country, or the state … neither are the Democrats – they’re not going to do it.”

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