
America: On the Cusp of Opening a Pandora’s Box

2 Mins read

Revelation 13 describes the rise of a future dictatorship that puts Hitler and Stalin to shame. It speaks of two men it describes as “beasts.” We usually refer to one as “Antichrist” and the other as the “False Prophet.” They get their power from an entity called “the dragon” that Revelation twice refers to as “the devil and Satan.” (Revelation 12:9 & 20:2) Theirs is a government of which Lenin could only dream. It rules the whole world and all people. It despises faith, kills the followers of Christ, and declares war against God Himself.
Over the last couple of centuries, the world has made great progress towards democracy and universal human rights. The freedom available to most of the world’s citizens is unprecedented in all of history. But by cutting ourselves off from Judeo-Christian influences, democracy is turning into chaos all over the world. We are witnessing the shocking return — and acceptance — of authoritarian regimes and governments. Even here in the United States, we got yet another taste of the potential for governmental tyranny recently.
To be sure, that doesn’t mean that Antichrist is walking the halls of Congress or the Department of Justice. In a sense, we are still a long way from actual tyranny, but we are undeniably on the road that leads there. And the practical length of any road depends solely on the speed with which you travel it. We know that after the Rapture, elements of the Antichrist’s government will fall into place quickly. It is surprising, though, how fast it is already happening.
Unless you get your information solely from the mainstream media, you are no doubt aware that the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence released its much-anticipated “memorandum.” The memo is a four-page synopsis of the Committee’s findings from its recent investigation into “abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act” or FISA.
You will be shocked and dismayed to see how the past administration weaponized our most trusted government agencies to pursue its political agenda. And you should be alarmed because if rogue elements of our government will do it to a sitting President, they most certainly will do it to you and me.
And prepare yourself for the coming weeks. Still to come are the findings of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the House Judiciary Committee, and the Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector-General. Also, in the final stages of preparing their own reports and criminal referrals are the Senate Homeland Security Committee and the House Oversight Committee.
And the DOJ has recently announced it is reopening investigations into the Clinton email scandal, the IRS targeting efforts, Operation Fast and Furious, Uranium One, Benghazi, Hillary Clinton’s “pay to play” scheme while she was Secretary of State, and the Democrats’ involvement with the Awan brothers.
Folks, we are on the cusp of opening a Pandora’s Box of scandal that will make Watergate, Iran-Contra, even Monicagate, and all the others seem like jaywalking infractions.
While I am grateful that, at last, truth may finally see the light of day, I am also aware that what is to come may throw our nation into a turmoil it has not experienced since the Vietnam era. And that may actually pale in comparison, too.
That’s why all believers should be in fervent prayer daily that God will continue to shed His mercy and grace on our nation. We have long prayed that God will stop our country’s accelerating slide into post-Christian paganism. Now that evil and wrongdoing at the highest levels of our government are finally being exposed, I believe only God’s protection will keep us from imploding into civil conflict.
But God is a great God. He alone has given America the blessings that have made our nation the most prosperous, the freest, the safest, and the strongest history. He alone has helped America be the greatest force for good in the world that this world has ever known.
And I trust Him to keep America now.

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