
Christmas Shopping on a Budget

2 Mins read

Christmas is right around the corner and now is the perfect time to devise a plan for your holiday shopping. To avoid the pressure of last minute shopping and the world’s materialism, take some time to pray and think through the meaning and purpose of the season. Center your celebration around Christ with a heart of gratitude. Christmas is a time to share our love with others. We can do that without bringing undo stress upon ourselves. Simply plan and follow these suggestions.

(1) Make a list. Write (or type) out all the people you need to shop for, the amount of money you can spend on each, and the gift, or type of gift, you’d like to buy for them. This will prevent distractions and save you time. Of course, be sure to check it twice. Set your budget. Decide on a reasonable amount of money to spend on all the gifts, meals, and supplies (wrapping paper, Christmas lights, etc.) that you need to buy. It doesn’t need to be a big number for you to have a meaningful Christmas! Sticking strictly to your budget will allow you to enjoy the season without the stress of debt … and start the New Year off right.

(2) Use cash. Research shows people spend less using cash. Use large bills. They’re psychologically harder to break. (If you don’t use actual cash, plan to pay all the items you charge to your card when or before your first bill arrives. DO NOT carry a balance into January!)

(3) Watch for sales. Many sales begin November 1st, but the biggest shopping day is Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. While you can find great deals on items, many stores increase their prices to make the discounts look more significant. Be careful to not fall into one of these traps by doing your homework beforehand! Cyber Monday (the Monday after Thanksgiving) is also a major shopping day, with major discounts on online stores everywhere. Sign up with your favorite online merchants now for sale alerts and pre-sale deals.

(4) Wrapping Pointers. A beautifully presented gift speaks volumes. You can do this at very little cost. Save paper bags to cut and wrap in twine, yarn or recycled ribbon. Decorate with herbs or old Christmas cards. Have your children color the paper prior to wrapping to make it even more special.

(5) Protect Yourself. Guard your credit cards, wallets, and purses when shopping. Park in protected areas when visiting stores. Only shop online with reputable merchants.

(6) Make something. You can cut your spending a lot by being creative. Make your own gift cards for personal services such as housecleaning, garden prep, meals, babysitting, chauffeuring, or commit to teach a skill like knitting, sewing, gardening, woodworking, car maintenance or cooking. The ideas are endless. Research shows that experiences rather than things often give greater satisfaction. Take in a local event or plan a trip together. Another idea is to gather friends to make gifts together: dividing perennials, planting bulbs in pots, cooking, crafting, chopping and delivering firewood, or choosing heirlooms to give..

As you celebrate the birth of Christ this year, do it with intentionality and joy without going into debt. A little planning and creativity can make this holiday one you will long remember!

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