
Why Transgender Activism Will Fail

2 Mins read

Transgender activism will never succeed in reshaping our society for one simple reason: It is not natural. Biological differences are too deeply instilled in the human race. Male-female distinctives are too obvious and real. It is futile to declare war on gender.

It is one thing to be asked to empathize with those who struggle with gender identity confusion. It is another thing to declare that biological categories do not determine reality. It is one thing to recognize that some people do not fall within the normal, male-female spectrum due to genetic abnormalities. It is another thing to claim that gender is whatever you perceive it to be.

Every time we hear the announcement that someone is having a boy or a girl, we are reminded that transgender activism is failing. Otherwise, shouldn’t the parents-to-be say, “We just saw the ultrasound, and we’re having a human!”? Or, perhaps, “How exciting! We saw the ultrasound, and the packaging is female!”? If we really believed the transgender talking points, that’s how we would communicate.

Last month, two high-school students complained to their school when their bus driver insisted that they sit on the girls’ side of the vehicle. (Apparently, it was his custom to have boys sit on one side and girls on the other.) The problem was that, although biologically female, these girls identify as “neither male nor female,” which, we are informed, “is referred to as trans nonbinary.”

I know that the school was sympathetic to their plight, pledging to speak to the driver in private. (They got off the bus rather than change their seats.) But are we really to believe that these kids are “neither male nor female”? Is this the new reality? Will society buy it as a whole? Certainly not.

Other schools are already witnessing a pushback. For example, also last month, “A Florida elementary school teacher who asked students to use gender-neutral pronouns in the classroom is being transferred to an adult education program. “According to a Tallahassee Democrat report, Leon County Schools officials announced that Chloe Bressack would no longer teach fifth grade at Canopy Oaks Elementary School.”

Parents were not willing to have their kids call Bressack “Mx.” (pronounced “Mix”) and refer to her as “they” – for good reason. It’s just not natural.

Earlier this month, a new study proposed that, “Schools should make sex education more inclusive of transgenders by not referring to biological body parts with the correct term because it might make transgender people uncomfortable.”

Do you really think this will fly? Will the whole world be turned upside down because of the confusion and sensitivities of less than 1 percent of the population?

And what about the all-female college at Cambridge that recently announced it is accepting males who identify as females? I wonder what will happen when the other students discover that these so-called transwoman can still impregnate them.

Not surprisingly – and quite sadly – numerous headlines recently reported on “The rise of transgender reversals: Surgeon in sex-change hub of Serbia reports a surge in the rate of patients changing their mind.”

This too is creating a backlash, both within and without the university. Political correctness – in this case, fear of offending transgender activists – is devouring itself.

That’s why the same parents who changed their views on homosexuality, wanting to be “tolerant” and “inclusive,” are not changing their views on gender. After all, it’s one thing to say, “Who am I to tell two men or two women they cannot love each other?” It’s another thing to say, “I have no problem with 15-year-old Jake sharing the locker room and shower stalls with my daughter Tammy, since he now identifies as a girl and wants to play on the girls’ basketball team.”

It’s not natural, biological differences are too real, and male-female distinctive are too foundational for changes like this to be accepted widescale.

Watch and see. The pushback against transgender activism will continue.

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