
Alveda King: Racism Lurking in the Shadows

4 Mins read

Judge orders government to facilitate abortion for seventeen-year old illegal immigrant known as “new Jane Roe.” Justice Department seeking injunction to save life of baby. The shelter where the mother is housed has contacted a local pregnancy center and the grandmother of the baby to seek assistance for the mother and unborn child. On other fronts, Congresswoman Frederica Wilson inadvertently stirred up more pain for a widow of a war hero with her misinterpretation of an appropriate condolence call from POTUS. Issues of racism and discrimination are lurking in the shadows, raising their nefarious heads.

Fact check: Abortion is a civil wrong that violates the civil and human rights of unborn children; where is the lawyer for the baby? In this case the office of the US Attorney General argues that the mother does not have a constitutional right to appeal to US government for an elective abortion on demand while as an illegal immigrant unless there is a medical emergency. As to the issue of condolences to the war widow, she needs our prayers without all of the shameful political jockeying.

Those in favor of the young mother having the abortion are proponents of an abortion agenda initiated by Margaret Sanger, a 20th century racist eugenicist who founded Planned Parenthood is considered by some to be America’s “Mother of Abortion.” Sanger championed eugenics and racism in her day, going so far as be an advisor to the Ku-Klux-Klan, and to birth a Eugenic Movement which has resulted in the genocide of millions of blacks and other “undesirable” at its core.

Those who are criticizing the President for his choice of words in his condolence call to the war widow are part of a group that is constantly attempting to unsuccessfully malign the Office of The President of the United States. It is time for a time-out across the corridors of unrest and strife that are attempting to overtake our nation. We should start now with sincere racial reconciliation.

In the search for racial reconciliation in the twenty-first Century, the keys of truth and repentance for abortion and all of our sins, as well as the application of Agape Love towards one another will be the keys to unlock the gates of deception and open the doors to righteousness, justice and liberty.

Let’s first unlock the lie of separate races. The words “racist” and “racism” are thrown around a lot today. From a Christian standpoint, racism is a sin based upon the lie that we are separate races. The Bible teaches us that as humans we are One Blood, one human race.

Racism, the concept that we are separate races divided by skin color breeds idolatry and is at the center of much of the discord and violence that human beings have experienced since the Fall of humanity.

If you look at the sons of Abraham, you have Isaac and Ishmael. Here we have two brothers and two peoples – the Hebrews and the Arabs. They’ve been fighting for years, and that’s a family feud. This conflict between two brothers can be looked at as a racial war. How can they be separate races when they are blood brothers?

When we move forward in human history, we have the nations of Africa, Asia, and we have the Caucasian nations, and yet people are thinking that they are different races. Then there are the sons of Noah and his wife; Ham, Shem and Japheth who are “fathers” of the African, Asian and Caucasian Nations; Nations, not races.

Consequently Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. said we all have to live together as brothers [and sisters] or perish together as fools.

My father, A.D. King, said it best when his brother, Martin Luther King, was killed, and I wanted to be mad at white people. Somebody killed my uncle. I needed to be mad with somebody. I said, “I hate white people, Daddy, I hate white people!”

“Alveda,” my Daddy said, “you can’t hate white people. White people march with us. White people go to jail with us. White people die with us. White people didn’t kill your uncle, the devil did.”

“The devil, Daddy?” I asked. Daddy was teaching me that human beings are one race.

Yet today the erroneous concept of color blindness is still touted as a faulty solution. “I don’t see color” is a misguided effort to say “I don’t accept skin color as a legitimate or valid determination of a person’s race. Think about it, color blindness is a medical and spiritual condition requiring restoration of sight. The concept of being of separate races because of skin color is a lie. We are one blood/one human race! [Acts 17:26] (Photo Credit: Radiance Foundation.org/ Priests for Life)

Acts 17:26 – Of one blood, God made all people to live together on the earth.”

The sin of accepting the lie of separate races delineated by skin color is at the heart of many of our human conflicts today; including war on the womb and global wars that threaten the existence of humanity and the issues discussed earlier in this report.

Once we accept the truth that we are one human race, we must repent from our sins of racism; inhumanity to humanity, war, abortion and idolatry. Then we must forgive our brothers and sisters and learn to live together and learn to love each other.

In the 20th century we turned to Nonviolence as a key to this process. These principles of nonviolent conflict resolution and reconciliation are still helpful today: I learned these principles from my Uncle MLK, my father AD King, and grandfather Daddy King.

With God nothing is impossible. We shall overcome the sins of racism.

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