
Something That Really Works

1 Mins read

Religion is good for your health? A major study reveals that people who live by Biblical values live longer, enjoy life more, and are less likely to be sick. The study shows that regular church attenders live longer and have fewer heart attacks, less high blood pressure and hypertension.

The study found that religious people are less likely to abuse alcohol and far less likely to use illicit drugs. One study found that 89 percent of alcoholics had no interest in religion. A major reason for health problems is divorce. The study found that people who attended church regularly are twice as likely to remain married. The values taught in church emphasize sexual fidelity, family stability, and good living in general. Those who do not attend church and have a strong faith in God often experience emotional pain and anxiety. This loneliness often stems from a sense of separateness from God and meaning in life. One’s overall well-being tends to increase with regular church attendance.

There are two states that may serve as illustrations of how lifestyles affect one’s health. The state of Utah is populated by church going Mormons who don’t drink alcohol or smoke. They have the lowest rates of heart attacks. In neighboring Nevada, with low church attendance and where people stay up all night in smoky casinos with alcohol and gambling, the results are opposite. They have one of the highest rates of heart attacks.

My wife and I have never used alcohol or tobacco and in our 80’s, are happy and active. My advice: Love God, attend church and love others.

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