
America: A House Divided

3 Mins read

Prominent leftist leaders are fueling the flames of hate against President Donald Trump and are promoting riots, civil uprisings and in some cases even violence. And of course the mainstream media is a more than willing accomplice, because pretty much everyone that works in the mainstream media absolutely hates Trump. On a fundamental level, the United States is more divided today than it has been in any of our lifetimes, and the radical left is treating the presidency of Donald Trump as if it was the end of the world.

We are seeing terms such as “Nazi,” “racist,” and “dictator” thrown around very casually, but people need to understand that words really matter. When those on the left use such inflammatory language, there is a very real danger that they could actually spark a violent insurrection against the United States government.

Something that former Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch recently said is extremely disturbing. She recorded a video message in which she suggested that in the struggle against Donald Trump there is going to be blood in the streets and some people are going to have to die…

Remember, this is not just some passionate young leftist radical saying these things. This woman was the Attorney General of the United States not too long ago. For her to make statements such as these is irresponsible to the extreme.

The mainstream media is also working very hard to fuel the flames of hate.

MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinksi made headlines all over the world when she declared that Trump’s presidency “is fake and failed,” and she followed that up by boldly declaring that we are now “at a low point in American history”… It is unprecedented in all of American history for journalists to be attacking the president of the United States in this manner only a few months into his presidency.

When people hear this stuff about a “fake president” that is “racist” and “fascist” over and over again, it is only a matter of time before people state to act out in violent ways. For example, just consider what happened in Berkeley recently… At a park in Berkeley, across the bay from San Francisco, protesters from both sides struck one another over the head with wooden sticks and Trump supporters fired pepper spray as police in riot gear stood at a distance.

Some in the pro-Trump crowd, holding American flags, faced off against black-clad opponents. An elderly Trump supporter was struck in the head and kicked to the ground.

We need to take incidents like this very seriously, because often a civil war can be stated by incidents that may seem quite small at the time. For instance, the civil war that has ravaged Syria stated innocently enough when Syrian protesters marched on Damascus following the arrest of a 14 year old boy who had written a cryptic threat to Bashar al-Assad in graffiti. Who would have dreaded that it would ultimately spark a civil war that would kill more than half a million people and that would still be raging six years later?

Many believe that a civil war has already started in America.

Americans may not be shooting at each other yet, but without a doubt we are in a battle for the soul of this nation.

Compared with the shining and vibrant nation it once was, today’s America has become a different country: deeply and angrily divided, unable to deal with crises foreign or domestic, the world’s greatest debtor nation with 50 million people on food stamps, rampant divorce and family breakdown, unprecedented sexual anarchy with with 110 million with STDs, almost 60 million abusing alcohol and 70 million taking mood-altering drugs.

Indeed, we are in a fight for the soul of America, and the fate of this nation literally hangs in the balance. Unfortunately, there is also the possibility that this conflict could end up destroying this country no matter which side ultimately wins.

The Bible tells us that a house divided against itself will surely fall, and America is a very bitterly divided house at this moment in time.

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