World-renowned evangelist Reinhard Bonnke is launching an ambitious effort to win 150 million souls for Jesus Christ in the next 10 years. Dubbed “Double Harvest Decade,” Bonnke, founder of Christ for All Nations (CfAN), announced the effort on the opening day of a five-day crusade in Lagos, Nigeria.
“In 1987 we first began counting our individually signed, salvation-decision cards and, to date, we have reached over 76 million souls,” claimed a new Christ for All Nation’s website dedicated to the campaign. “That’s three decades of ministry averaging 25 million souls per 10-year span and we’ve been praising the Lord and giving Him all the glory” CfaN said.
Now, at 77, Bonnke says God has given the ministry a new goal: The Lord has now commissioned us to mark the next 10 years as the ‘double harvest decade’ and move forward to 150 million souls saved.”
Bonnke is back on the African continent for what he says is his final “farewell crusade” and is expecting some 30 million people to attend the 5-night event. “The Lord spoke to me, that I should go back for one more crusade in Africa,” Bonnke said in a Facebook post. “I want not only to see a gigantic harvest of souls but to pass my burning torch to this generation. I believe God is going to do something I have never seen before.”
Bonnke says he’s believing God to move powerfully when His word is preached to the masses. “The Lord will answer prayers and miracles will happen, people will receive His spirit and through the crusade, there will be positive effect across the whole world,” he said.